Who was the rhetorical stand-in for evil before Hitler?

Metafilter from 2006:

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I think these American Bund people were genuine patriots and loyal to a pure and powerful United States over loyalty to a Germany simply worthy of alliance. They were also viscous racial purists as were most of the celebrated good white American patriots in the apartheid-ish 1940s, patriotism is whatever you wish it to be and we see what patriotism did to Germany and Japan.

Sliced bread is younger than most people think (Betty White is older than sliced bread, for example), but I’m having trouble thinking of what’s so great about the soup spoon that it had to branch off from other spoon technologies and when that might have happened.

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This thread suggests they don’t have soup spoons in Switzerland…


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How about Judas Iscariot?


Canned beer.


And there was no best thing before beer.


That’s because they make their “soup” thick enough to dip (unsliced) bread into, in lieu of spoons.


What the fuck? Sounds like Switzerland needs some invading to bring them freedom bread. How do you make toast? I can never cut bread evenly.

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If you don’t have an electric toaster, you don’t need uniformly sliced bread. Toaster ovens do just fine with hand-sliced.

And there were reasons that British and American newspapers and politicians referred to WWI and WWII Germans as “Huns”, though Genghis Khan was an effective Bad Guy as well. And Alexander the Great. And those Cro-Magnon invaders.

I always thought it was because we thought the Germans came from Baltimore.


I can never see that gif without mentally filling in the sound effects. And then humming the Italian Spiderman theme to myself all day.

Thanks, I guess.

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