Whole apartment’s worth of stuff in 86sqft

One of my children had a contraption involving a desk, storage, drawers in the steps, and bed on top. Seemed like a fantastic idea at the time, but the hassle of changing sheets when you can’t even sit up straight and you have to lean on the bed while making it was a deal-breaker after a while. The next family to use it complained about the same issue.

Conversely, I once had a bed-sit with a ceiling-and-wall-mounted storage cupboard with clothes rack affixed on the underside, high enough that even dresses cleared the bed (which was situated directly below). Although it looked weird, it worked a lot better to have the bed on the floor and the storage in the air.


Which is bigger, this apartment, or Al Capone’s cell at Alcatraz?

The apartment. Alcatraz cells are about 45 square feet.

No stove or microwave oven? Why not put the bed against the back wall, with shelves above it or as a loft, since that space is only used for the staircase. Interesting but weird.

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