Does the cat sit on your desk? If so see this 2004 FARK thread
Have you ever seen a cat pant while it lies in wait or stalks?
Remember Fluffy is trying to peel back your skin to eat you.
Something to make me laugh all the way to the hospital!
My cats also need to ensure that gravity continues to work.
Fortunately for the female cat, that part is very small.
My older cat, age 6, is constantly licking the head of my kitten (age 11 months). I am getting the impression her head taste like candy to him or he is gearing up to try to eat her. Either way, the kitten is mildly annoyed by the behavior.
Then why does my cat sometimes drink water off her paw?
I’ve had cat that would do that too. I’ll admire the pulling water techniques, but I’ve seen at least four different methods cats use to drink. Admittedly one of these methods involves getting the humans to turn on the tap so the cat could drink from the stream, but he did seem rather happy about doing it.
I never did quite get the one that would dunk most of her head into the water to drink.
I think they’re both covered in the job title: Cat.
We had one that did that. It was the funniest thing!
Our 1.5 year old apparently thinks that the the wife is filthy because he will obsessively clean whatever body part she just petted – he doesn’t do it nearly as often or obsessively if I do the touching.
The dark ages of FARK – fortunately, we live in modern, enlightened times where technology exists to address such problems…
Edit: possible answers to the FARK question:
The Cat Scan: Archive
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