Why airport gates are so damn far apart

Can confirm. I would drive to Madison, not fly, in order to save time (and have a car at my disposal once I got there).


I don’t see the problem. :wink:

Greenville, NC is pronounced “Green-Vul”
Greenville, SC is pronounced “Grin-Vill”


I know my perceptions about the amount of time I have on average to make my connection is subjective, and affected by confirmation bias, so I tend to not complain too much, even if I have to walk a mile. That just means last time, and probably the last four times, I only had to walk several hundred feet.

Except for Charlotte. I have missed every connection I have ever had through that cursed airport. I got up to five before I vowed to never connect through CLT ever again.


Well said.

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That’s a great observation. Wonder if someone did science do it (aim: learn how to improve airports).

Also seems very much applicable for the German railway system, maybe the French, too. Example where this circumstances are not given to that extent, such corroborates your interpretation: Swiss railway system. Much, much more frequent travelers who exactly know what to expect.

yo dawg


Hindsight being what it is, I should have booked a flight into Milwaukee, and avoided a transfer in O’Hare. Because there is a 20% chance that any time you use O’Hare it is going to be a nightmare of flight delays.


No, that was the plan for IAD. At some level, I think that idea was that big jet-liners would go to Dulles and National would be for smaller, regional planes.
edited to add: 1958 (when the film Jerwin posted was made) the 707 was just starting to come into service, and vastly fewer people flew.


Thanks! I had DCA on the brain with the Mid Century angle.

I need a vacation. :slight_smile:

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