Why are so many Car YouTubers starting over?

I like the guy behind this channel, but he really dropped the ball with the bus project.


I’m just on tenterhooks for Bad Obsession Motorsport to come out with more Project Binky, or The Escargot.

But while I’m waiting for that, I’ll put the kettle on.


starting over. its meta.

And Nerdist, and Earwolf


MotorTrend seem to be in a death spiral as well right now. They’re been bought by Discovery, who seem intent on ruining the place, but by now practically every host has their own Youtube channel covering similar stuff.

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So, in short “late stage capitalism” greed ruined everything by not knowing what they are buying and treating viewers as products.


At least one member of the staff of Shadiversity left because rent is too expensive in the area. I think YouTube is just a difficult business to be in. Although Shad’s brother seems to be doing well with Draw with Jazza. I run into a lot of kids that know about Jazza.

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