Why CNN gave Miley Cyrus top spot over Syria

The difference between this and Iraq’s WMD’s is that there was absolutely no evidence, whatsoever, of any WMDs.

Oh, there was so-called evidence that was presented, but it wasn’t properly vetted out, was it? And, we went to war based upon false information and lies. Why wait for hard evidence when we can profitably bomb the shit out of everything today, right?

How is the war profit machine’s misinformation any better than yours? You characterise the idea that chemical weapons have been used in Syria as a lie.

Look who’s talking? First of all, I was referring to all the hype that the only possibility is that it’s been the Syrian government using chemicals.

A rebel group affiliated with the Free Syrian Army is suspected to have used sarin gas as recently as March of this year. Why ignore that?

Your first link says, “high confidence assessment” – Ok, where’s the evidence beyond this assessment? And, where’s the hard evidence it’s the Syrian government?

You second link says, “experts say most of the reported attacks are now months old and there is a risk that evidence has been cleared up or has degraded.”

But, even more interesting is this part you left out… “Russia sides with its government ally in blaming the opposition. Western nations say all the evidence points to Mr Assad’s forces using the arms in “limited” quantities.”

Like I already said, there may have been a chemical attack, but we don’t know which side did it. You think a good, profitable bombing will help clear this up?

You think the rebels who have recruited child soldiers, eaten the hearts out of soldiers, carried out beheadings and are strongly suspected of already carrying out chemical attacks are to be trusted?

WHY? What’s your evidence of this?

Hating the war machine is only good when the war machine is selling you something immoral.

The poor, poor war machine. Somebody please think of the poor, innocent war machine.


There are plenty of videos of Syrian men, women and children’s bodies being destroyed by chemical agents.

By whose chemical agents?

Syria in an entirely different situation where over 100,000 people have already died because of our (the international community’s) inaction.

Last time I checked people have died because there’s a civil war. Do you also have a hard-on for us charging into the Congo?

Why not? Not enough fucking oil or profitable gas pipeline territory? I hope you put your money where your mouth is and lead the attack.

I am disappoint, Cow.

Look in the mirror.

Shall we profitably bomb the shit out of them? Will that help stabilize the situation like we did with Libya?

Human Rights Worse After Gaddafi

spare me your calls for hard evidence.

Wow… that says it all. People like you are doomed to repeat mistakes of the past. I hope you lead the attack, sweetheart. Don’t be yet another bloodthirsty chickenhawk.

Educate yourself:

Leaked docs:

Gen Wesley Clark Reveals US Plan To Invade Iraq, Syria

HINT: It’s about the money


Knee Jerk too the allegation of Gas not the past two fucking years

I like using TOO instead of TO just cause, it is evident in many of my posts.

Your emotional and that leads too subjective dialogue.

Evidence is needed to ascertain where the ordinance originated from, if possible too discern.

Who order them used is not established.

The unit that discharged the ordinance is relevant. Not too the dead the children or people affected but too the countries that are deciding on intervention.

Again, evidence is needed too ascertain origin.

Looking at the header used for this article it clearly says, TRENDS showing a video. Look closer, CNN TRENDS is clearly shown.

I wish there was more peace in the world. What we see is not what is always what happened. don’t jump too conclusions and try not too let emotions dictate reaction.


True about parody of US vs Canadian dollar, Canada did not increase value, the US declined in value.

Let’s not forget, China can absorb the US national and foreign debt while maintaining a sizeable chunk of change left over.

Agreed. He is not The Decider.

And if you believe that my cousin can get you your tin foil hats wholesale.

Just so you know, I know you’re full of shit. Use English correctly or don’t be surprised if some people (like me) look down on you for it. I guess you also like using “your” instead of “you’re” amirite?

Don’t fucking lecture me, especially on the middle east or the internet. I’m an avowed information junkie and a web designer, so I’m pretty sure I can trump you on both. The screen BB used CLEARLY says ‘Home’. I don’t even read CNN, so I went to the site to confirm it for myself. It says Home. It’s the Homepage. The bit that says ‘trends’ refers to the ‘fort hood’ ‘miley cyrus’ etc etc. bits. Feel free to keep digging though, I do enjoy watching a good shovelin’

Soooo… one shouldn’t support or encourage a popular uprising because, with all their faults, these dictators knew how to keep their populace relatively in line? A few secret police death squads is a small price to pay to keep the Sunnis and Shiites from killing one another. Right?

This stability is why we tolerated people like Gaddafi and Saddam for so long, and even supported people like Mubarak. You can’t buy oil from a country in the middle of a civil war, right?

Even though things might be worse in the short term as a countries’ government goes through an upheaval (or two, in the case of Egypt), hopefully in the long term democratic governments will lead to increased freedom, stability, and prosperity that will eclipse any time under their previous dictatorship.

Look below the HOME and see CNN TRENDS

BTW I am never surprised when self indulged princess’s look down on me. Lecture me, lecture you.

You’re flame war is boring.

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Like murdering people?

I’m pretty sure the dead people aren’t terribly concerned whether they were blown up or gassed. The living left behind are going to be more focused on who murdered those they loved than the mechanics of it.

There is one thing we should do. Offer peaceful, safe, rewarding lives to those who want out of that mess, especially the children. Invite them away, give them citizenship in exchange for what tiny bit of work is needed to support and organize them. They should have OPTIONS, rather than being pawns. Who would be more appreciative of a chance help create a better life for themselves?

Or is that so fucking much harder than cries to cover the blood in the soil by piling dead innocents on top of them?

Because that hasn’t been working so far, and neither you nor I has the right to even THINK of asking for more weapons and madness to be thrown there. . . that just creates more torment, suffering, and angry people who have only known horror.

Seriously. None of us ever had that right. We never even had the right to THINK that. I don’t care how we got here, it’s time to do something useful for a change.


Soooo… one shouldn’t support or encourage a popular uprising because

Sooo… that type of fallacious argument doesn’t work on me, sorry. How about you speak for yourself and what you believe and stop fallaciously trying to speak for me?

You’re focusing on one small part of my entire post and trying to build a presumptuous false argument about what you think my entire worldview is. Look at the entirety of what I said in that post and focus on that overall point or quit wasting my time.

hopefully in the long term democratic governments

This isn’t about democracy. HINT: It’s about money. I showed links/sources/etc. … you counter with hyperbole and attempting to speak for me instead of yourself.

Speak for yourself and let the chips fall where they may. For example, do you think we should bomb Syria? I don’t think we have enough evidence to know who to bomb and where. Do you?


Ye gods.

Dude, it’s distracting. And forking out half-arsed justifications for obvious faults instead of sucking it up like an adult verges on pathetic.


I haven’t heard anyone say they want to go to war. I’ve heard a lot of people state that the UN should get involved, which they should (it’s their job!), I’m not sure why everyone interprets that as a thirst for war.

Are those the only options? Do nothing or go to war?


I don’t understand the point of the US spending all its money on its military to then claim that it’s broke when its needed. Bit of a waste isn’t it?

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Also, Miley Cyrus’ arse.

It’s a bit strange to read through all the comments on this thread; usually if you have two such divergent subjects of discussion, at least one’s off-topic…


no, that wasn’t twerking.

Oh, it werked, alright : p

Two points:

1 - it’s different when chicks do it!

2 - yeah, nah - not twerking, unless you classify it as simulating rear entry from either side.

WHAT is up with the Onion and Syria?

Over the years, they’ve written about everything with a detached style that’s pretty much always dead-on, or at least interesting. But with anything Syria related, its like they’re writing with clenched teeth and an agenda–flat, obvious, repetitive and just bad.

There were so many “documented” lies in the run up to the Iraq war, and we’ve heard similar types of justifications for every other war/military action the US government involves us in:

“WMD were used!”
“They have WMD!”
“Women and children are being murdered for wanting to learn!”
“Innocent children are _____!”

If you haven’t noticed yet, all these “justifications” are anything but. Even if the Syrian govt has used some form of chemical weapon, does that mean that dropping bombs on the country will do anything but kill a whole lot more innocent people? And just what is the end game here? Putting a bunch of Islamists in charge of Syria?

The wars we wage only further destabilize the regions we engage and cause thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of deaths. Libya and North Africa are a disaster since Qaddafi was ousted. Iraq is a horrible mess, as is Afghanistan. Yemen is falling apart due to our marvelous drone interventions there.

And if you want to talk about the horror of chemical weapons, what about the depleted uranium tipped bombs the US dropped in Iraq, etc., that have led to countless birth defects and illnesses? Are not those counted as WMD’s in your head?

If you haven’t noticed by now, the US government has NO INTEREST in saving lives or helping women or children. Or even stopping WMD attacks, as evidenced by our depleted uranium bombs and the fact that we stood by and let Saddam Hussein drop chemical weapons on the people we encouraged to rise up against him in the first Gulf war. The Washington “consensus” revolves around ensuring massive profits for the war machine while the neocons and Israeli cabal push for constant US intervention and destabilization all over the middle east. Whatever the reasons for the US intervening in Syria, it has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not chemical weapons have been used. And really, are chemical weapons so much more horrifying than regular old bombs, bullets and land mines? I mean come on already. How long are people going to fall for the same tired old justifications for more war all the time?


Uh… Because Miley is hot and Syria is not?

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Fun facts: The US government gets rebated most of those fees. The Fed is also not privately owned.