Why do mosquitos attack some folks and ignore others? Science has an answer

That theory never worked for me, but I’ve tried to :honeybee: positive that they’ll find a cure someday! :wink: I’ve been a magnet for mosquitos my entire life without having O blood.


Dear Wife is O- & Papasan is O+, she has to my knowledge ever been bitten by a mosquito, where I’m on their radar eternally. Lucky Gal…


I’ve expressed similar opinions myself


I wear long-sleeve shirts year-round. They will go for exposed skin over unexposed skin every time.

Thermacells really work, for anyone who hasn’t tried them.




I’m not sure why, but after moving from the north to the south (and retaining my status as a superior mosquito target initially), it eventually faded. After 14 years, whether due to age, or developing more local traits, mosquitoes mostly leave me alone. The locals claim this is common. Asshole fire ant bites are still about the same level.


I’ve thought about that, but the idea of sitting in a cloud of neurotoxins sounds kinda hinky.


Anecdata refuting that: they will bite me through multiple layers of clothing and Mr.Linkey sitting right beside me in a tshirt will not even realize there are mosquitos around.
Other than the catnip, the only other thing I’ve found to make my outdoor adventures more bearable is to find a place with a nice breeze during the critical dusk hour. Or be inside a tent or a car, but where’s the fun in that?


Maybe mosquitoes just don’t find me as attractive as I had thought…

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On family holidays I’d share a tent with my brother. He’d wake up covered in bites, while I’d only get one or two. Good times, for me :wink:

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My understanding is that it’s just a pheromone produced by a flower they don’t like. It’s not, like, vaporized pesticide or anything.

It made our patio usable again this July when we had the worst mozzie outbreak in 30 years here. You didn’t even notice it running. It’s pretty magical.


I spent a summer in NW Maine when I was 20. After a month they continued to bite but without the swelling and itching. Now, many years later, they seldom bite me. Blood type A+


That’s a great idea, but what does that have to do with mosquitoes? Also, do my partner(s) and I each need our own? I mean, this sounds like the start of a really good night, at least.


I’m also a magnet for biting insects, especially gnats and mosquitos, and only DEET, massive doses of B12, or practically bathing in skinsosoft works to repel them.

My friends and family will just come stand next to me to avoid being bitten. The mosquitos will fly right past them.


I seem to be a universal mosquito magnet, no matter what country I am living in they love me, but for my wife she only seems to be attractive to them in Australia, they ignore her in Japan. Or perhaps they just like foreign blood (“Yum, haven’t tried this before!”)
I get bitten constantly in Japan and my theory (unprovable) is that it was something in a mosquito bite that caused me to develop Type 1 Diabetes when I lived here - it was the end of summer, I had been constantly bitten and Mosquitos in Japan carry different diseases that other countries. It could have been the trigger but I will never know.

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