Why is BB censoring words?

Are any words actually inflammatory? How about the word “inflammatory” itself? People get so hung up about perceiving emotional values in words that I made its own topic, to avoid derailing every other topic - yet when the issue is laid bare, suddenly nobody is interested.

The “problem” with context is that it is subjective, so people use the presumption of shared context in their partisan shitshows. Claiming or giving a word to a certain “camp” is simple divisive tribalism. The reality is I think that the content does not matter, it doesn’t matter which words you want to be pejorative/ameliorative of whom. The problem is the process of tribalism creeping into discourse. People should not be presumed to share “our” or “their” cultural or political contexts based upon which words the choose. Knee-jerk reactions make for bankrupt rhetoric and bickering people.

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