Why is Facebook's iOS app accessing my camera while I do unrelated things, users ask

Nope, nope, nope. Kill it. Kill it with fire. From space. Also, Facebook has a ‘vice-president of integrity’? What the holy fuck is that??


They have a very good point, however. I’ve seen several friends “delete” their account only to have it suddenly get zombified and suddenly send out a steady stream of spam. Since it’s an established account it’s very attractive once vacated, like an abandoned house. Much better to simply stop using it, if that’s your desire, and remove your personal information.


The position, “vice president of integrity” at Facebook is probs a bum deal.
I can relate, as I’ve recently been made vice president of vegetarianism within a pack of insane, slavering starved mutant hyenas.

I’ve been thinking of this very thing. Posting a final “here’s where you can contact me, for real, really” post visible to those who need to know, and then just walking away.

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