Why new parents (and almost-parents) need pertussis vaccines

I and my family are vaccinated. Although, I carefully read all the available literature and chose which preparations and when to have them instead of completely subjugating my will to a man with a white coat and clipboard. Paid quite a bit extra for the better vaccines, in fact, when my kids were infants.

Anti-vaxxers are a control population. I respect that, and their right to choose what risks their families will take, even though I think it’s a bad choice (akin to voting for warmongers like Bush or Obama - did you do that? Then you’ve probably done just as much to hurt people as anti-vaxxers have).

Ethically, if I want to have control of my own life I have to be willing to let others have control of theirs - or at the very least, oppress them personally, and get blood on my own hands, instead of calling for some third party to stuff them into railroad cars for me.

Interesting how much that resembles a seizure or a bad migraine. Thanks for the image.

I don’t think I’ve ever done that from a bad migraine. My strategy for migraines involves staying as still as possible. Straining like that guy is doing would hurt a lot.


“Old rusty nail” is a phrase most of us (at least in the States) roll off our tongue as if it were one word. It indicates a puncture tool that obviously has been sitting out in the elements for some time. I don’t think most people who use the phrase actually mean “if it doesn’t show visible rust, then it’s OK”.

Hurts for days afterwards, too. Sumatriptan succinate is highly recommended. In 25mg pills so you can take a few or a lot as needed.

‘Risus Sardonicus’ or ‘Rictus grin’ is (on a smaller scale) also a pretty dramatic symptom (and a metal band, obviously). It turns out the the expression produced by the simultaneous tensing of all your facial muscles is…not pleasant, even aside from the fact that it’s a very, very, bad sign.

Good for you?

“Ethically” if someone is not vaccinated, that is not control over their life only, that is affecting the lives of people around them. People can do what they want sure, but the moment their actions affect me, I am allowed to act/react.

And I’m Canadian, so, no. I voted for Jack Layton, may he rest in peace.

Someone please tell me that the baby in the photo is healthy now.

Although we ended up talking about both pertussis and tetanus, pertussis is highly contagious while tetanus is not contagious at all. A person becomes infected by tetanus from the environment. I’m not aware of anyone ever passing it on.

People shunning the DPT vaccine can cause an outbreak of whooping cough due to the loss of herd immunity, but at least there is no looming epidemic of tetanus.

Exactly! That’s why whenever someone jumps in front of you in line at the ice cream shop you should kill them. Ayn Rand for the win! Empathy and self-doubt are for suckers!

Oh, you think this is bad? Wait until your kid goes to daycare or preschool for the first time. A whole new world of super powerful germs.

I was sick for weeks, and haven’t been lain so low by an illness since I was a child myself.

Next time I’m just going to lick a BART seat in advance, that’s like getting a thousand immunizations at once.


My favourite: pink eye! Other parents will understand when they see it, but non-parents think it is HILARIOUS when they see that you got pink eye. Especially ones who have seen “Knocked Up” and think that you get it by farting on pillows. Nope, I just have a 1 year old. :slight_smile:

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