Why (or why not) to vote for Bernie Sanders

Lessig has mentioned support for Bernie. I think he’s concerned that Sanders isn’t getting Super PAC money and that will end up crushing Sanders. Frankly, I’m not sure Lessig (like many others) quite understands the new dynamic we’re working with here in 2015.

Even just a few short years ago some of the offline/online hybrid methodologies and strategies we’re able to use today wouldn’t have had the same impact as we’re getting right now in 2015. I also don’t think Lessig perhaps grasps the incredibly powerful grassroots impetus that’s working behind the scenes all over this country right now.

I have tons of respect for Lessig, but I don’t think he’s the greatest strategist I’ve ever met. The formidable activists strategizing for Sanders right now are world class with quite a few successful notches in their belts.

Speaking of which, we strategized with other activists to learn from our various issues and mistakes in Colorado. Kind of similar to that “self-healing” grassroots dynamic I mentioned in my previous post.

We worked around the local TV blackout issue I mentioned here for Wisconsin. This is the numbers we would have had in Colorado if we had known then what we knew after the event:

10,000 people chanting “Feel The Bern” last night

The huge numbers are making national/international news as we predicted it would.

These numbers are going to continue to grow in ways that will make a lot of Americans begin to seriously question the credibility of political pundits who claim to speak from authority and keep claiming that Sanders can’t win against Hillary.