Why (or why not) to vote for Bernie Sanders

[quote=“Kimmo, post:359, topic:59394”]
Yeah, where are the ads from NGOs like the Red Cross and so on, urging folks to register as Democrats and vote Sanders in the primaries?
[/quote]I’m not sure I’m following you there. You think the Red Cross would do that? As far as I know, like many NGO charities they’re a 501(c)3 and aren’t allowed to do that. Then again, maybe you were being sarcastic?

Either way, it’s very clear that even though @lgoldberg is attempting to speak from authority on this matter, @lgoldberg has performed very little current research into the issue.

The Sanders GOTV organizing is already much more robust than Obama’s was at this time in his campaign. I should know, I was a part of Obama’s GOTV effort. :slight_smile:

Then, frankly, you’re not looking.


These massive crowds in both blue and red states aren’t forming via a magical crowd fairy.

• They aren’t forming via corporate media coverage. As a matter of fact, the corporate media has directly and passively attempted to thwart these crowds.

• They aren’t forming via Wall Street bankster money. Sanders and his supporters shun it, while Hillary Clinton embraces it.

• They aren’t forming via billionaire sugar daddies. Sanders shuns corrupt billionaire donors while Republicans whore themselves for them.

• They aren’t forming via Super PACs. Sanders shuns them as do most of his supporters.

They are forming via our collective hard work from grassroots organizations and activists throughout this nation.

Also, please see the July 29th event below.

Larger and better organized than what? Not the Sanders campaign.

Bernie Sanders Draws Army of 100,000 Volunteers to First Nationwide Organizing Event


GOTV operations were integral in this large event. You need more research on this matter.

This was over 100,000 supporters in about 3,500 locations in every state in the United States of America very early in the campaign. No other campaign has ever in the history of the United States pulled off something like that in the nascent stages of a campaign.

Many others and myself that are working with Sanders today also worked with some of the grassroots movements that helped Obama to win.

This grassroots campaign is much more massive than his was at this stage and that’s already being reflected in the fact that we’re drawing larger crowds than Obama did this early in the campaign as well.

[quote=“lgoldberg, post:358, topic:59394”]
It practically dismantled itself after he won.
[/quote]That’s incorrect. What happened is Obama threw the grassroots organizations that got him elected under the bus afterwards.

Sanders has addressed this very directly and I’ve already mentioned this fact multiple times throughout this thread. Here’s one example of many.

In other words, the difference between Obama and Sanders is that he’s going to work symbiotically with grassroots organizations before and after he’s elected. Sanders is going to help bring us into government very directly. Terrifying for the status quo establishment, I know…

Sanders’ stellar grassroots record backs this up and he’s already doing this today as well.

You really haven’t researched this matter. The July 29th event (that was heavily a GOTV operation) with over 100,000 supporters in about 3,500 locations around the United States is vastly larger than anything Obama had going for him in this stage of his campaign.

You’re also incredibly misinformed about the multi-issue, progressive organizations:

Via my post here above

The list of powerful grassroots supporters for Sanders goes on and on…. I don’t have time to list all of them, but here’s just a few notable leaders, etc. from these following grassroots movements and organizations that have pledged to fight for Sanders (and are already doing so):

The Albany Project, Young Democratic Socialists, various Occupy movements in cities all over the nation including the very successful Occupy Sandy movement, Nonviolence International, (Ruckus Society), Overpass Light Brigade, Project Springboard, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Interoccupy, Chuy García Campaign, Girl Group Chicago, TRACERS, Changer, Not An Alternative, OWS Labor, CODEPINK, Sankofa, MayDay Space, Movement Net Lab, Down with Tyranny, Ready for Warren, Progressive Democrats of America, Occupy The Ballots, Coffee Party, Us Uncut, 99 Pickets, Occupy Faith, Occupy Judaism, Rockaway Wildfire, Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Gospel Choir, Films For Action, Upworthy, Left Labor Project …….

And on… and on…. and on…. and on…. and on…… and on…


Since I wrote that post above, very large and powerful grassroots organizations and union organizations have now added themselves to the campaign effort as well.

For one example of many, National Nurses United, which represents 185,000 nurses across the country.

In my opinion, you should further research Sanders and the massive grassroots efforts that surround him before further attempting to speak from authority on the matter. You’re near completely wrong on nearly every point you’ve made thus far.

I certainly don’t blame you, a lot of this is in flux and we’re moving incredibly rapidly in a time frame never before seen in modern, American politics.

Sanders and his grassroots support is literally evolving every week – and even daily and hourly in many regards.

I would certainly agree that much more GOTV efforts will be needed as time goes on, but that’s where we’re already headed. If you have some strategies and constructive criticism based upon proper research, we’d sincerely like to hear it. Or, better yet, put it into action yourself. We need all the help we can get going up against formidable, corporatist foes such as we are.