Why (or why not) to vote for Bernie Sanders

It looks like it’s just a ban until May 10th.


Yep, it is. I guess he’ll come back then.


Still nearly 5 hours until polls close in New York. Waiting…


Exit polls are suggesting Clinton 53 : 47. With the margin of error from exit polls, it’s going to be a long night.

Look at the age and racial breakdowns in the exit polls. Sanders is winning voters ages 18 to 24 by a margin of 85 percent to 15 percent, while Clinton is winning voters ages 65 and over by a margin of 70 percent to 30 percent. Among racial groups, Sanders carries whites by 9 percentage points, while Clinton takes Latinos by 18 percentage points and blacks by 43 percentage points. All-in-all it makes for a closer race on the Democratic side (in the exit polls at least) than pre-election polls suggested.

Trump’s going to win by a landslide on the other side.


Or not. Shit.

Guess I’ll be sending some money to the Greens tomorrow.


God dammit New York.


At least jlw and our Egyptian friend will be happy, and I have alcohol.

Here’s to someone better, 2024.


2024? Maybe. If Clinton wins the general, I can’t see her winning again in 2020. She might not even run – she’d be 72.

Anyway, fuck the corporate media for constantly ignoring Sanders, and fuck the New York Dem’s disenfranchisement methods.


Ignoring superdelegates until the convention, Bernie still needs less than 56% of the remaining delegates to win, which was true after March 15. It’s still unlikely but still not impossible.

At least that’s what I’m hanging on to at the moment. :cold_sweat:


Me either, but I can see her running as the sitting president and losing.

Do I want her to lose this year so we can have a decent president in 2020, or get stuck with her for 8 years?

And what are the chances of 5 straight Dem wins anyway?

Ugh, 8 years of Clinton, then a Republican, then someone good? That’s even worse.


Fuck you, New York City.

So much for New York Values. Seinfeld was right.


Look, this is no different from anything we expected a few days ago, and much better than we expected a few months ago.

Obviously Bernie should keep at it, both to preserve/improve his clout and because there is still a small chance of winning. If and when the time comes that Clinton is the nominee, the ball is in her court: if she can convince Sanders supporters that on the 7% of issues where they have traditionally differed she will move her position to that of Sanders on 40% (or remain there, in some sense she has already made this much of a move to the left during the election) then they (we) should probably be ready to support her. That’s how politics works. The key question is, can she really convince us of this? What can she say or do, for example, to make us believe she won’t backtrack on TPP after the election? I’ll be curious to see what she comes up with. If it is just “we need to hang together” rhetoric, khepra-style, that’s not going to be enough.

Into the general she’s going to have a genuinely hard decision: veer right to get disaffected Republicans, or veer left to woo the Sanders voters? I think the latter is a better strategy for her, since there really aren’t many moderate Republicans left, but we have to incentivize that choice. She has to believe that if she veers left she has a real chance of getting some votes from Sanders supporters.


I don’t like the chances of her achieving any credibility with the left…

Short of naming Bernie VP? Fuck all. Even then, I wouldn’t believe it.


Sure, and she certainly can’t just phone it in. The amount of energy she is willing to devote simply to finding a way to build this credibility will be a good indication of how serious she is about change.

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I think she’s so allergic to real leftism that she’ll veer right to get the people who wouldn’t vote for Trump but might vote for a centerline Dem instead.

That’s just a prediction obviously, we’ll see. November ain’t that far away.


With the amount of toxic campaigning we’ll see this summer, November will seem like an eternity away.


Republicans hate her so much I just don’t see that strategy working at all.


What’s deeply shit is that now we’re stuck with her:

If she loses, we get (at least) 4 years of Trump or Cruz.

If she wins, she’ll probably run again - so we could be waiting until 2024 before we can have a decent candidate. And you have to figure the GOP will run someone competent at some time. The Dems won’t win every election. So it could be 2028 or 2032 before we get a president worth supporting.

We just lost a once in a generation chance.

She’ll pick a centrist Dem like Castro or Booker as her veep, she won’t go any further left, she’ll rely on how bad Trump and Cruz are to scare Sanders supporters into voting for her.


I think America is heading towards a huge breakdown of left vs. right analysis. It’s already showing major cracks, but basically Clinton vs. Trump just isn’t going to be left vs. right anymore. It’s going to be status quo vs. burn-it-all-down. Horrified “rightwingers” voting Clinton to try to stop and horrified “leftwingers” voting Trump because all they’ve got left is shaking their fist at the sky.

Maybe cats living with dogs and hot snow falling up, I really don’t know.


Eventually someone is going to come along and take down the two party system. And I don’t believe they need to win in order to do it. The only question is, how much potential heartbreak and disaster will they be willing to court?

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