Why (or why not) to vote for Hillary Clinton

You’re free to run things however you like; your country. If you have a better plan for how eliminating the gerrymander, reenfranchising the poor, guarding against extremism etc can be done, I’d love to hear it.

But you didn’t have a solution, you were suggesting that these problems were inevitable. They aren’t. Lots of different countries avoid them in lots of slightly different ways.

Americans are good people; America is a beautiful and abundant place. But the upper class of America have twisted your state into a thing that endangers the world.

I wasn’t saying “be like Oz”. I was using the example most familiar to me to demonstrate that it’s possible. Be like Finland, be like Norway, be like Germany, be like Canada, whatever. Be like America likes to pretend it is. Find something that works.

But the current system obviously isn’t, and when American politics go toxic it’s non-Americans who do most of the dying. Even if Trump loses, it’s just a matter of time until an equally dangerous representative of the extreme right does. That isn’t a safe situation in which to leave control of the most bloated military in history.