Why some people get "skin orgasms" from listening to music

It’s funny, I definitely experience these whole body shivers sometimes while listening to a piece of music that really moves me… but I have always associated them with awe, like a physical experience of it. I also get these same kind of “skin orgasims” when I realize something really amazing, make a discovery that is new and unique to me, finish a piece of art that turns out better than I thought, or sometimes when I am lucky enough to get far away from civilization even just looking up at the sky.

I actually created a topic on this a little while back where I was trying to describe the way watching a video from Vsauce (easily one of my favorite youtube channels) made me feel psychologically and physiologically.

So I wonder if this is a different thing than awe, but one that activates the exact same physiological response as awe, or if it is really just “awe” (or ‘wonder’?), which seems to be a very poorly understood human mental… and physical, state.

This video specifically… just wow. Left me with serious frisson.