Why were people thinner in the 1970s?

And carbs (which become sugars) as a fat substitute. I vividly remember diet gurus like Susan Powter preaching that you could eat a dozen bagels instead of one piece of bacon, because fat was the ultimate evil.


I’m learning more than I had expected to about brassicae today.

We’re both right it turns out - you’re right that su choy, rutabaga, and mizuna are three different species, and I’m also right that su choy, rutabaga, and mizuna are all cultivars of the same species as canola.

Canola, it turns out, isn’t a distinct species - there are oil seed cultivars of three different species that qualify as “canola”, all of which are also sometimes referred to as “rapeseed”

  • Brassica rapa
    other cultivars include bok choy, napa cabbage aka su choy, rapini, and turnips

  • Brassica napus
    other cultivars include rutabaga and Siberian kale

  • Brassica juncea
    other cultivars include Japanese red mustard, mizuna, and Indian brown mustard (latter of which is used in the sandwich condiment, though not the most common in North America)

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No - gay wasn’t used that way in the 70’s. Maybe the 90’s. And retarded meant developmental disability. Though it was used as a slur.


Ironically, it’s very hard to “diet” if you cook your own food. There are many many calorie counters that will let you very easily measure calories from various processed foods–you can even scan the barcode and your phone will record it. but it gets very tedious to enter in quantities of each ingredient by itself.

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Maybe my old brain is playing tricks on me, but I recall often hearing “gay” used to declare something was lame during my childhood – which was through the ’70s into the early ’80s – particularly when discussing Godzuki.

By the start of the ’90s I was about to get out of the Air Force, and using “gay” as a descriptor was no longer a part of my vocabulary.

0% fat yoghurt is just skim milk with bacterial cultures, isn’t it? The various other percentages of yoghurt are made by adding the appropriate amount of cream to the skim milk, letting the culture do its work, draining off “excess fluid” then churning the whole thing up.

If you want to buy presweetened stuff, that’s entirely up to the consumer, but usually I just have yoghurt with cereal, berries and, if necessary, a bit of honey or jam.

Sounds like it was a girl thing which would explain why I can’t remember ever hearing it. That’s pretty shitty though.

I should have clarified. I meant that gay didn’t mean homosexual to us kids. We didn’t know that definition of it and those of us with liberal, progressive parents stopped saying it once we found out. And yes, it meant homosexual decades before the 1970s. All of God’s children have got to have their freedom.

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As a teen in the 90s, I can say with some authority it was definitely used as a slur.


We weren’t in the same age cohort then.

Regardless- the reason that gay and faggot were considered derogatory was the association with sexual orientation and the societal bigotry towards gay people. Sorry Louis CK - that’s just a fact. Just because he may not have realized that when younger doesn’t erase the fact.

Edit- from Wikipedia

“ The word faggot has been used in English since the late 16th century as an abusive term for women, particularly old women,[9] and reference to homosexuality may derive from this,[8][10] as female terms are often used with reference to homosexual or effeminate men (cf. nancy , sissy , queen ).”


I was a secret agent for fin air

Why were people thinner in the 1970s?

Oh! I got it: Jacki Sorenson.

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That’s nothin’, try 'em at Wing Stop.

(Or, don’t.)

(And speaking of different subjects, here’s that same actor introducing The Four Tops about 14 years earlier)

Dude, have you seen the olive section at the grocery store? Just trying to read all the different fake ‘ethnic’ fonts will give you a headache.

Also, olives aren’t edible straight off the tree…ummm…ground. You have to pickle them in lye; then rinse, rinse, rinse, and then brine them.

You’ll know when the olives are ripe when the sidewalk has magenta polka-dots all over it from pedestrians stepping on the windfalls.


In my schoolyard, it was like rugby, but with more chaos and violence. Someone got ahold of the ball, and EVERYONE either tackled that person, or tried to grab the ball away. The scrum would veer this way and that, but I don’t remember having goals or boundaries. I guess finishing the game with the same teeth you started with could be a ‘goal’.


All the high fructose corn syrup in your food.

Been out of my diet for 5 years. My spare tire stopped growing when it happened.

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My ancestors ate just like that, too, but that entire genetic line dies exactly at 60 from massive, unresuscitatable heart attacks. You can’t outsmart genes that make you manufacture your cholesterol out of thin air. Also, we’re the people screwing up statin statistics - we just go right on ahead and die of heart attacks, regardless of medication.

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I don’t care what the statistics say, people definitely eat more. I left the UK in 1975 and on the rare occasion I return, I am amazed at the size of the huge meals people eat. It may not be scientific, but it is a personal observation.


Here’s the wacky thing, though. Even lab mice on standardized diets (that on paper haven’t changed) are fatter now than they used to be. This suggests an environmental factor is, at least in part, responsible for the obesity epidemic. If I recall correctly the current suspects are endocrine disruptors like phthalates and bromine compounds.