Wildcat: galloping 16mph robot

What makes Bender such a good character that as a robot it just makes sense that he’s pretty much a sociopath.

Obviously, we are witnessing the development of the Rat Thing Mk. I.

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They significantly reduced the noise BigDog makes, I’m guessing the prototypes rely on fossil fuel engines to keep costs down and as they’re refined they become all electric.

Still not silent, but likely more quiet than a car.

Better get that thing an orange vest - it’s hunting season.

Deer go bouncing through the woods at 30 mph, but they snap a leg much more often than people realize, and hunters often shot deer with big knots in their lower legs from healed fractures.

"They set a slamhound on Turner’s trail in New Delhi, slotted it to his pheromones and the color of his hair. "

"The Mechanical Hound slept but did not sleep, lived but did not live in its gently humming, gently vibrating, softly illuminated kennel back in a dark corner of the firehouse. "


On the contrary, I think the noise may add a terrifying psychological warfare element. Imagine being chased through a bombed out city, strip of woods, etc by 3-4 of these drones as they let loose a constant wail. The resonance of multiple engines, hitting you at different frequencies due to doplar effect would probably destroy your ability to accurately echo-locate/determine where they are. Meanwhile, they’ve tagged you and are automatically homing on your position using an array of sensors/GPS/nanoclouds and are programed to fire high precision rifles to disable or kill. Also, they’ll probably spew a trail of tear gas, and be fitted with other anti-sensory devices.

I think the makers of Metal Gear Solid are willing to purchase this concept. :smile:

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I don’t know, seeing glimpses of silent or near silent mechanical hounds as they close the net and corner me might be far more terrifying. It’s all on a scale that starts with ‘scary’ and ends with ‘utterly horrific’ though.

Sure, but we can avoid turrets. Have you never played a video game? A fixed position can be worked around, tricked, avoided. The more dangerous hazards are always mobile, and the worst case would be a networked array of mobile gun platforms working in concert with ubiquitous cameras. Sort of like now in the UK, except using robots rather than police in vehicles.

Chances are they would seriously reduce the level of petty crimes, at relatively low cost compared to human police boots on the ground. However, they would also seriously reduce freedoms on almost all fronts, at relatively very low cost.

Really really really pathetic.

Can anything more opposite to the idea of elegant be envisioned? Maybe if oily smoke mixed with a spray of congealing blood and flying machine parts would randomly be ejected, with howling blasts of tortured metal screaming through broken porcelain teeth.

That’s why my favourite thing about horses are the Caltrop & the Pike :wink:

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How cool would it be to work in one of the offices around there? You’d hear the noise and just have to head out into the car park to see what they were playing with now!

yeah it’s going to be awesome! I can’t wait to see soldiers dressed as vikings riding these in to battle.

Gotta put up them wire ropes…

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