Windows 10 now "infested with annoying ads"

Edge is, until we see the howlers of how it isn’t after all, the most secure browser around now. (Edge blog explanation valid, afaik.)
If it’s already installed, I expect the ad stream to be switchable to something else, which HOW?
Ans: The sevenfold path! 7 ways Windows 10 pushes ads at you, and how to stop them | PCWorld (All milk-bar options for opt-out and not getting suggestions there, no switching to get offers from Topological Discontinuities Near You and Superfluid Supply Co. or Aloe To A Good Home or actually cool wallpapers while racking up Microsoft Reward Points.)

Can one effectively ask Cortana to never tell you something she’s telling other people, or 10,000 other people?

Adobe CS is Industry Standard.

Hm. There are many like it, and you can surely run Win10 as a (Xen, lvm, vmware…) guest OS and do well that way, but it is surely both your industry and one running in China, Korea, EMEA and BRIC with competitive alternates? Fool me into a WACOM, shame on my fees; fool me into an exact config, shame on my m.o.


Hm! I can see needing vulkan to be super awesome in RedHat of Fedora before getting performant Windows 10 under it to run Aavid. DNxHR codec - Wikipedia


It would have to be 2017 for us to pick Turks demonstrating in the EU and say that Doesn’t End Well harder. How about bespoke custom high-bitplane builds of GIMP and Krita with filters and adequate file format flexibility then; those, or just brender from live edits of perl (well, the one where you can lisp on the gpu) tk and opengraph.
What’s wrong with Inkscape, if you have a handy blotter/newsgroup/wiki of the things, please? I oughtta just look at the bugzilla or a scratch for it?


Gimp works fine. For simple things. And that’s sort of the thing about those free/open source and Linux ready options. If you need to do something exceedingly simple they’re fine. And most of them have that one thing they’re really good at. So you’ll use them for that one thing, when budgets are tight. But having tried to get by on this level of software for audio work in the past. You’re using that one program because its auto-noise reduction is good. Then this other one that’s pretty good at trans coding because the first one uses a weird format. And you dump that into another one that’s pretty damn easy to cut down clips. Export those clips, then back to the second program because you need a slightly different format. On to a fourth because its got a decent time line based editing situation. Poop it into a fifth because its very good at balancing levels. Back to the good time lines because you’ve got to combine it with other things. Then all back to that second one to spit out a finished file.

By the end of you end up spending hours more just chasing and converting things back and forth. And you never really end up learning anything about each program. If you try to do everything in the one program the results aren’t nearly as good, or as easy to attain as chasing key features across everything that’s out there.

Where as if you’re already set up on, or can justify the cost of, the usual professional software. Well its just all sort of there. And including another bit of software is just preference, or a time saving measure.


Hey, I recognize that nightmare! That had been our workflow previously, for video. For audio, we were lucky enough to have someone else’s pro studio to work in (because the husband wired the place & had an arrangement with the owner.)

Money could solve all the problems. Now, that’s a problem. Sigh.

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Yeah my run its with that have mostly been in smaller, low budget web video units. You put up the money for the good video software. But you scrimp on the audio side. Most video software is passable for audio work. But you run into situations where, say, Audacity has much better auto clean up tools than Premiere. So you dump your audio track, clean it up in Audacity then do the finish work in Premiere. You get better results faster. But once you cut that pro video software out. Shit gets weird fast.

This was of course back when Adobe’s audio software was junk, only suited to chopping up clips. I haven’t used it recently, but I hear it’s improved immensely.

Getting way OT, but this is a big red button issue for me. The audio needs to sound better than the film looks!
(I would use 5 exclamation points, but then I’d just look crazy.)

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Ditto. I also have a Windows 8 machine around, but Windows 7 takes the least amount of third party tools in order to be usable.

Isn’t Bernie more of a Gnu man?

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I have owned every version of Windows since 95. Still have me install media for 98, XP, and 8.1. My advice? Virtualize if you cannot natively run the required apps on Linux.

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I found the RDP clients on Linux (Mint, Debian edition) to be quite serviceable and easy to use.

I grew up using GIMP. One class demanded use of Photoshop - talk about a gimped, unintuitive user interface and maddening multiple redundant steps required just to make a passable “shop”. That was at the beginning if the Adobe Cloud era, mind. No idea what Photoshop is like now. Probably still as unwieldy as ever.

I consider myself a fast learning, adaptable person who used to routinely change OS and distros monthly for the hell of it. These days, though, I prefer to hone the mastery of the tools I already use.

Try Krita. It kicks the living shit out of Illustrator. My digital arts (and Bach of comp sci) friend Qatar swears by it.

Have you tried Krita?

For audio, Audacity is the goddamn master. And it is cross platform (I’ve noticed faster response on default Win7 than on default Debian 6). Make software great again!

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Thanks. *sigh*

(And before they’re mentioned (just to head off the potential off-topic conversation), I’m also aware of (and have used) xrdp, vnc, nx, and others in place of the RDP service. For various reasons, they’re not applicable to the particular use case of the Win10 systems I was talking about.)

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Oh, as a remote host. Well. That sucks. I preferred to rent a server from NFOservers, install and customize server 2008 and run things from there.

I’ve got some adverts for products on the lock-screen, but nowhere else that I’ve noticed.

It’s not like browsing the web or driving on a road beset by billboards


Haven’t seen an ad since I installed an adblock script on my router.


Well that’s enough on it’s own right?


So sort of like Boing Boing then (the “infested with ads” part)?


How do you feel about your botnet? I mean, Windows 7 no longer gets security updates, right?