Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/09/17/wonder-of-wonders-a-trapper-k.html
The idea that getting the tools to become organized will make me become organized is a persistent fantasy.
But do they make a locker-sized Trapper Keeper?!
But no Lisa Frank designs?
Yours lasted a whole school year? Mine would inevitably fall apart after about a month with the top flap being the weak spot. I’d usually go through 3 or 4 of them a year.
Too well-made. It’s not a Trapper Keeper unless it begins to de-laminate after a semester or two.
I remember the top flaps peeling back, losing an inch or so from each edge, but they’d make it – except one year I used liberal amounts of ye ol silver duck to hold it together.
Still holding out for a version that looks like a fake book with an offensive title like “How to win the impending race war and influence people.”
this is GENIUS. but i’m going to be sorely tempted to draw all over the Pee-Chee version, just like we did back in the day…
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