Would you use an earthquake-proof bed that drops into a metal chamber and seals you inside it?

If you really want a bed that will keep you from being crushed in the event of a building collapse why not just build a conventional canopy bed out of heavy box steel? You could have a sturdy roof on top to protect you from falling ceiling debris; maybe even add some emergency airbags if you’re feeling extra paranoid. No risk of accidentally triggering “sarcophagus” mode and you could just store emergency supplies inside a headboard cabinet for easy access.


HaPpY CaKe DaY! :cake:

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No Way Bounce GIF


I wonder if spirited sex would trigger a drop into this earthquake-proof coffin, er… bed?


Didn’t know this was a thing, but glad to know it exists. That bed has me thinking I might need an alert here, because the East Coast has faults, too. To balance out the sense of impending doom, I’d have to figure out a way for an alert to play this :wink::

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Only if the metal chamber had Internet access and Netflix.

I’d be more worried of it snapping shut when it shouldn’t as I got out of bed to pee. :confused:

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