You can call me AI

I figure this is as good a place as any to ask (if only because I already went thru the thread assuming I’d find out). Are we to understand that some of the recent BB authors (“Natalie Dressed”) are AIs? A few of you are posting links to all of their BB articles. Did this AI authorship actually happen, or am I missing a joke, or both?

On an AI-related note, is there any kind of code/phrase I could embed in a given web page that would cause any AI that is scraping the site to (literally or figuratively; either’s fine) asphyxiate on its own flatulence? I tried a web search on embed code to repel AI and all I got was how & why to embed AI in my website. There used to be ways (like robots.txt) to say “ignore me” but they implied some kind of functioning honor system. I’d like to make any unwelcome visitor go all Uniblab over on the other side of The Cloud.