You can call me AI


Exclusive: Musk’s Neuralink brain implant company cited by FDA over animal lab issues

Someone set that to music!


The Who’s Who of AI just chipped in to fund humanoid robot startup Figure


Gah. People like this guy are kind of close to understanding the threat but they always seem to completely miss an important, fundamental issue. You can’t just blame the humans and call them stupid for doing the things we know humans will do when an imperfect technology is given to them:

This guy sounds like one of those self-driving-Telsa defenders who would argue that a Tesla that can drive itself perfectly 98% of the time is great, and if it gets into a crash because the human in the driver’s seat isn’t perfectly focused on supervising it and doesn’t immediately intervene during the relatively rare but potentially deadly errors, that’s on the human, not the technology. Even though it’s no secret that humans are (and always have been) terrible at that kind of task.

Technology needs to be built for the real humans that actually exist, not some fantasy hypothetical humans that these techbros seem to think that we should all be!


These rich assholes thinking that they are smarter than the rest of us really need to go fuck off now.


A large part of their problem is they only consider people like themselves, and everyone else is an afterthought:

Any pushback on that is met with dismissal, empty promises to address fundamental problems at some vague point in the future, or outright hostility. The name techbros in the US covers how bad it is, because too many can’t even acknowledge 51% of the population. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Screaming Internally Star Trek GIF


Sounds like Jakob Nielsen has lost the plot:

A good analysis:


seth meyers what GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers


That mindset has worked perfectly well for the discipline of Economics for a very long time now. It’s really your fault for being poor, for not being a Rational Actor according to the University of Chicago’s models.


“have been tried”.

Have they? Have they though?

They’ve been developed, sure. They’ve been tested and poked and improved and standards written and testbeds created. The standards are ignored, and the testbeds are treated as niche and never go anywhere except for specific apps. But from being in Zoom meetings and watching the conversations with people in Disability Advocacy groups, the tools that most people are forced to use either don’t have features that people with this disability or that one need to access it, or it’s hilariously difficult to use, or it’s not turned on by the administrators because they’ve never heard of any of it. If disability accessibility tools aren’t working, I’d argue that it’s because the people writing the applications they’re embedded in aren’t forced to use them.

But still, things are improving. Have you used Zoom with automatic closed captioning? It’s not perfect, but it works well enough (once you figure out how to turn it on, once your site admin has realised that they have to buy access to it, then actually find the budget and do that).

But from an IT perspective, “generative AI for individualised accessibility” just means that you as a disabled user are fucked, because when it gets it horribly wrong (and it will) or subtly wrong (which is worse, because it’s harder to detect) or just breaks entirely, then nobody will be able to help you because nobody will be able to see the same thing you do to be able to fix it.

And that’s all just from reading the onebox. I should probably read the articles now, hey.


… dunno if this ever happened

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Can’t they just switch to Decepticons instead? That would be more Elon’s style.


slightly ot, but fits nevertheless;

The world isn’t on track to meet its climate goals — and it’s the public’s fault, a leading oil company CEO told journalists.

Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Darren Woods told editors from Fortune that the world has “waited too long” to begin investing in a broader suite of technologies to slow planetary heating,

In his comments Tuesday, Woods argued the “dirty secret” is that customers weren’t willing to pay for the added cost of cleaner fossil fuels

you really have some nerve, motherfucker.


To whit: if your algorithm isn’t O(N log(N)) or better then it’s the wrong algorithm. If the growth rate in processing required for N points has N² or N³ or any higher exponent in it: forget about it.

Last I dared to ask someone I was told their AI fitting algorithm was O(N⁜).

Your monkey count is finite, your requirements are exponential. You will always lose. Stop now.