You can now select a dark color theme

Yes, when I first looked at the settings page on my phone, the dark skin option wasn’t there, but it is now, and I have already switched to it. Thanks.

the funny thing is that I requested this shortly after BB adopted Discourse and Jeff said that they weren’t gonna do it, but that I could just pick out some custom CSS for my browser to make it look however I wanted. Which I knew nothing about, but I did some searches, asked around, and tried a bunch of stuff. Sometime last year or so, someone hipped me to my current set-up, and it’s the best yet. The great thing about it is that it works for every page you load, they’re all themed the same way. leave the BBS for Wikipedia and you are not blinded by an all-white theme.

If you’re curious, and you use Firefox, this is it:

this one’s for new tabs, I just use black:

but here’s the big ones. first, install this:

this lets you do a lot of other reskinning stuff, too, if you want.

then add these styles:

another script to give new tabs a black background. apparently I run both, can’t remember why

background between pageloads now defaults to black, not standard white

the above are just always-on until you disable them in the browser add-ons

and the main event:

really enjoying this one. you toggle it on and off from a Stylish button that shows up in the top right by the bookmark button. eeeeeevery once in a while something doesn’t render exactly right, but it’s no biggie. I love how it dims all the pics, too, but if you want to see them full-strength you just mouse-over.

[the whites get dimmed, but here it looks red because I’m running f.lux, too. seems that screenshots know to ignore f.lux, didn’t know until I revisited this thread with my f.lux and Midnight Surfing theme off]

So the irony is that now I get what I initially asked for, but I don’t want it anymore; it’s better to run the global style rather than the board-specific theme. for me, anyway.


It looks even better on mobile, IMHO.

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I never knew how much I wanted a darker theme here. Now if only it can be tied to time of day…


Did you time this or what?


All I need is an ascii/character-mode/ncurses version of the BBS with actual page numbers instead of jit scrolling and all my theme needs are complete. Not that I am holding my breath!

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Great! Now the BBS can match my Visual Studio as well as my black withered heart.


Using Visual Studio will do that to you… then again using Rational Clear Case will melt your brain.

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I may be sick in the head but for the most part I actually really like Visual Studio. I’ve been using VSCode a lot lately too and it’s quite good.

It all beats the crap out of Xcode that’s for damn sure.


My wife thanks you for when I sleeplessly browse BBS at midnight in bed.

It’s not perfect (kinda weird palette in some ways), but I still like it a lot.




Heh. Honestly I thought of that the moment I posted it.


First I make my avatar go dark, now this. I like it. Will definitely be using this theme from now on. Thanks, Jeff @sam!


Don’t thank me, thank @sam he did all the work!


The funny thing is with the dark theme in the topic list it now looks like @codinghorror’s avatar has a giant 'fro.


OK a little better with the color inversion on the title bar. Not great though. Anyone else mind weighing in on the matter?

I had thought you’d keep with the black bar and just lighten the text up a few clicks. Was that tried while i was out and it didn’t work?

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Dark gray on medium gray is no better (and, in my opinion, is worse) than medium gray on dark gray.

The thin text in the reply menu is also still bad - may we please get that font bolded?

Well I was thinking more light grey text on Black. Bright enough to be easy to read but not ‘oh god blinding thing in sea of dark.’

Another issue (although minor to the point of “I don’t really care if it ever gets fixed”):

Badge counts don’t show up in the Dark theme.



The number is still there (and appears when highlighted), but is the exact same colour as the background.