You can read these super-short science fiction stories in five seconds

Originally published at: You can read these super-short science fiction stories in five seconds | Boing Boing


Not sure anyone will ever top Frederic Brown-

The last man on Earth sat alone in a room.
There was a knock at the door.


Futurama did a few like this in the “Scary Door” mini-episodes:

A mad scientist is seen mixing some chemicals.

Scientist: I have combined the DNA of the world’s most evil animals to make the most evil creature of them all.

A pod opens flowing with clouds of steam. Suddenly, a nude man steps out from the pod.

Naked Man: Turns out it’s man!



We’ll not be as one
At first contact. Nor will they.
Who will learn faster?

Hear that, Brog? Silly,
Bipedal corporeals
Think our world’s lifeless.

“How will we emerge?”
“Much as we were, my young one,
frightened of the sky.”

When we’re but minds and
Physical space matters not,
What frontiers? Ourselves.

The Night comes again.
But soon, with a blaze of fire…
We will go to Night!

Life anew on “urth”.
Not what this Q’rast expected.
The locals taste great!


These are really wonderful. I love the art! I hope they try crossposting to Mastodon sometime, but I know it’s hard for folks to post to multiple places.

I do follow MicroSFF on Mastodon for really interesting micro fiction Micro SF/F by O. Westin ( - Mastodon.ART


I don’t know if it tops it, but Ron Smith replied with what he called “A Horror Story Shorter by One Letter Than the Shortest Horror Story Ever Written”:

The last man on Earth sat alone in a room.
There was a lock on the door.


For sale: one Jedi youngling robe, slightly singed.


After The War:


I don’t consider these short sci-fi stories, but something more akin to asking ChatGPT “write a sci-fi non sequitur in the style of Steven Wright”.

I remember reading a very, very short story called Big Bang:


The guy who wrote the story was pretty serious about it, the critics and sci fi fans not so much.

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