You can use your own mug at Starbucks for "nearly all orders"

I went from memory, but I have now checked to make sure.
Voiced = Hard (this, IPA: ð)
Voiceless = Soft (thanks, IPA: θ)

The only dissenting voice is an answer on Quora - which, being from Quora, just reinforces the above.


I assume that SB will exercise the right to decline “offensive” mugs.

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I still have one of these that I got about thirty years ago.
Timmy’s would always fill your reusable cup, although they would sometimes make your order in a disposable cup and then transfer it to the travel mug. They now have some scheme where you get a returnable mug (deposit required) that can be brought back to the franchise and reused. I don’t know the details. They stopped allowing personal mugs during the pandemic*, but have started again.

I know I have used my own mugs at various other coffee places without any issue. My wife likes this especially, because our travel mugs are large enough for a medium coffee with room for double milk, the way she likes it.

I’m pretty sure I have used my own mug at Starbucks, but I only ever order a plain dark roast brewed coffee, or as I like to think of it, “coffee”. Maybe this is just in Canada?

*I know, I know.


This has been true (app and all) in South Korea’s Starbucks stores for more than 10 years.

Plus, they will rinse out your cup without complaint.

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Yes. Last sentence quoted in the BB post:

The chain also won’t accept cups larger than 40 ounces.

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I believe specifying it in the app is new, but they did previously accept personal mugs. They stopped accepting them during Covid.


I believe it is the Lincolnshire Louth.


You know who else will fill your mug for you? Every indy coffee shop I’ve ever been to.

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My feces and giardia contaminated mug looks perfectly clean, butt it’s not.

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Oh, nice, I have a travel mug I really like and it’s good to know I can get it filled rather than having to use a plastic or paper cup. And yes, I know that Starbucks coffee is the worst thing evarrr, at least if you’re talking about it on the internet, but I guess I’m one of the rubes who just likes convenience, and their Veranda roast is just fine, thanks.

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