You could soon get your COVID-19 vaccine at the dollar store

This is a very American solution to the problem, no question. The fact that more people aren’t questioning it is, possibly, a function of Americans being raised on for-profit private healthcare. I had this conversation with an American friend recently about how weird it seems to non-Americans that rich people get better medicine. But when corporations run it for profit, that’s what will naturally happen of course.

All this to say that my friend was raised in this system where corporations do everything, so it never even occurred to her that it’s creepy or weird. I think Americans have a bit of Stockholm Syndrome with corporations, because they know no other way to get services.

That said, for COVID right now, you go to war with the army you have, so if Dollar General can get it done, great. We can worry about fixing the system later. :wink:


Came across this. A very interesting P&T PSA. Notwithstanding all the cussing, it’s conveyed a la Romper Room so it gets across to the target audience.:


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