Young man invokes need for Trump in America after in-game defeat

Somehow, his rant also brought this to mind:


I think most people could do without the right to die in a burning T34…

However, I have a chemistry textbook from the late 1950s which has a very long bibliography. The majority of Soviet chemists cited are women - easy to detect in Russian. This is not simply because of equal opportunities. It is because so many men died in WW2. After the Great Patriotic War, many women had to do jobs formerly done by men. In the West, where casualty rates were very much lower, men came back from the war and expected to get back the jobs being done by women.


Yeah, good call in hindsight. I’d come up on multiplayer by way of Doom2, when if you were being chatty you weren’t also able to move because you were typing. Ah for the good old days, amirite? But I’d had friends who wanted to give it a shot and we pretty quickly realized voicechat was great when kept to known entities.

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This is why equal (or more) thought needs to be placed on the human systems built around these machine “intelligences”

Say you’ve got something with 10% false positive. You can’t kickban based off of it, you can’t even warn players based on it. And the volume of noise this generates will probably swamp any human team tasked with filtering out the signal.

But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing that can be done. With even a stupid guess of how offensive a player is “Player is offensive yes/no, wrong 10% of the time”, a human team can get a quick hint about how likely someone else’s complaints about that player might be false. Not bad for helping reduce the noise of a grievance system that you’re likely already paying for.

If we assume that toxicity is a player attribute (in other words: that it’s the player that is awful, not some combination of player and situation) then there ought to be an immutability of their toxicity over time. In other words, enough samples over enough encounters will, statistically, allow us to dial into the signal in a population of shoddy estimates.

From there, we can build systems. We could group players to servers or encounters with other players that are roughly as awful as they are. We could put in-game warnings up for “Hey, you’ve been an asshat enough times that we’re starting to get worried about you.”

Or, better yet, the opposite “You are amongst the 10% of the population who are the least offensive. Have an in-game cookie!”


Sure, but at the same time it wasn’t accepted that women in the US even should be chemists, let alone doctors or lawyers or tank commanders.

I suppose she could have chosen to die in a burning village, or from a Wehrmacht bullet.


Or just sent across the open fields by the Commissars to use up the Wehrmacht bullets which was admittedly quicker than starving/freezing to death in the winter. The Russian front was a whole lot of depressing as hell for both sides.

As much fun as I have with tabletop and computer wargames I don’t ever think of the real thing as a fun time. Heck if there is one thing they teach me is that chances of surviving are not in your favor most of the time.



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Make that “all sides”, and expand the timeframe at least a decade in each direction. Everything about the general area in the general timeframe is depressing as hell.


Depends on your system and the games. As a PC gamer (primarily DoTA 2, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Counter Strike: Source) usually the only time I have trouble is when there’s some 12 year old in voice chat. Even that’s mostly mitigated because people usually just automute them. Bonus points for reporting them to Valve for being underage, if you’re having a bad day.

I don’t think I’ve ever had an issue with a full-blown adult going on a rant unless they were drunk/stoned off their ass and then entertaining for other reasons.

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Evdokia Pasko, “Night Witch”. Check the medals. She went on to have a successful career post WW2.


This is news?

I knew that from jump street.[quote=“beschizza, post:8, topic:82214”]
Unspecific rage at everything, deprived of friendship, fraternity and connection to other boys except through these mediated competitive environments, entitlement to a medium that was sold to them as their spiritual home but is just a consumer product. And no future. These guys’ lives are fucked and they know it.

Well stated.


Heh I know a guy who works there and CS:GO was one of the free keys he gave me for the kid to use. Needless to say that one didn’t get used as he was still like 9 at the time. He was very happy with L4D, Half-Life 1&2, and Portal 1&2 though.
I also could kick myself for saying no to the offers of TF2 before it went free… That game is such silly dumb fun.

Oh yeah, TF2 as well sometimes; similar problems to CS:GO before, not as bad now. I haven’t played so much since my favorite server got shut down (owner has had mental health issues, ended up with a fairly lengthy disappearance after an attempted suicide,) that server was the best; haven’t really gone back since since I can’t find anything of its caliber.

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Not that I want to dwell on this topic here, but please note, I used the word “accepted”, and I was specifying the USA – I am aware there were women in those fields, and I’m not diminishing their contributions, but sexism in the USA meant the accepted norm was housewife, or perhaps nurse or secretary (and I’m certainly not saying I approve of that sexism either, but for most of America prior to the 1970’s “the woman’s place is in the home” was the dominant view.)

Or are you trying to say that rampant sexism didn’t exist because of the examples you cite?


Roza Shanina; (3 April 1924 – 28 January 1945) was a Soviet sniper during World War II, credited with 59 confirmed hits, including twelve snipers. Unfortunately, she did not survive the war.


Don’t leave out Lyudmila Pavlichenko. (July 12, 1916 – October 10, 1974) “regarded as one of the top military snipers of all time and the most successful female sniper in history”, with 309 kills.


'sup, Marxists.

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Oh, I know. I’ve been around long enough to remember BBS’s and usenet and the like.
But like I said before - either you have rules of conduct or you don’t. I know there’s nothing perfect, but you start with the most offensive a-holes and work backwards from there, I would think. Otherwise, pull that web page down. It’s less meaningless than a “Mission Statement”, then.

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Back in my days on IRC… you couldn’t make death threats. Most ISPs would pull your connection if you made threats. What happened to that I wonder?


Too many posters, and too many death threats.

A Single Death is a Tragedy; a Million Deaths is a Statistic

-attributed to Joseph Stalin