Your Ears Are Not Invincible: A cheesy PSA that warns about the dangers of loud music

Pardon? I said, PARDON?

I can actually point to the concert that caused my tinnitus - Phil Linnott’s Grand Slam at Golddiggers, a concert venue in my town that sadly no longer exists. I was stood at the front, right by the speaker stack, taking photos, and I can say it was bloody loud! The ringing noise I left the gig with has never diminished.
It was also, IIRC, the last tour Phil ever did. :confused:
As regards the photos, I have a bunch of rolls of film that never got developed, which are kicking around upstairs, which I really ought to get developed and converted to digital files.

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I’ve worked sound at concerts, and always bring ear plugs, but the loudest event I was at was a work-mandated wrestling show. We were in a sky box at the then MCI Arena in DC, now called the Capital One arena.

By the time the pre-game announcements were done, I had already grabbed a couple of napkins and improvised some earplugs – which was quickly imitated by most of the other attendees. I’ve been to other events in that skybox, none were even close to the decibel levels I heard that night, so either wrestling is Just That Loud, or the sound guy had no idea what he was doing.

That reminded me of a monster truck rally inside the Pontiac Silverdome.

Was never a fan but it was something our daughter wanted to see so we gathered up grandpa and off we went.

My god that was loud.

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