We need specifics, explain yourself!
Nothing to worry about. Just testing for the election. If this had been an actual emergency you would have received your “Presidential Alert” declaring martial law by now.
@TheGreatParis He’s here for you right now!
I got some food to eat, which isn’t conductive to scrolling through BB. So, having read this thread, I tried https://www.youtube.com/ and there were results, and they led to working videos, that wasn’t happening last time I tried it… Cat videos, honest trailers and BLR on!
No, not then, but right now, Dude.
So the Earth is put right again, thank Dogness!
Note to self: Must… post… faster!
Wow, that’s what I just said. We are linked through the web-os-phere.
Okay. Now I’m scared.
Leaping, headless, robo-dogs… you’ve met your match!
My Mom says i have to go to bed now.
At YouTube HQ:
Here is my kitty sad and tired as there is no YouTube
No problems here.
I checked an old blog post and on July 28, 2006 they had a similar outage (though I can’t recall if it was as long). When you visited the site, this was the only thing you saw:
I made sure to grab a screencap!
Someone rolled a 6, didn’t they?
Imagine there’s no YouTube*
No latest episode
No cats to swoon for
No cuteness overload
Imagine all the children having to go out and play
You may say I’m a Luddite
But I’m not the only one
I will turn off my web browser
Soon as Colbert’s monologue is done
*with apologies to Lennon, and to the Voice Kids Russia:
I agree, total non sequitur
Are those Samurai Firefighters?
Does that explain the high frequency and abundance of YT-like comments in some threads?