Zynga sues over "Bang with Friends"

Uh, yeah, it’s clearly a parody; and I love the fact that just a few articles above this one, the Boing Boing Morality Police is going off about this one “Creepy” British school and their worries about little girls in short skirts (and how it’s a sign of their sexual anxiety), but this whole Bang with Friends thing is apparently way over the line.

Boing With Friends is much more fun.


Incidentally, I wanted to mention that I’m a little amazed how much press attention Bang with Friends has gotten. It’s such a stupid idea that probably won’t even work. A few years ago, there was a similar idea where you were supposed to fill in who your crush was, so that maybe you’d both find out you were interested in each other!

But guess what? People just entered in every person in their friends list to see who had a crush on them! And of course, that broke the whole system and made it pointless. Der.

I thought we just called this system “Facebook.”

Actually, I meant that to support your post and refer to OP, but I clicked the wrong reply button.

Oh! Heh! Sorry.

I’m not convinced Bang With Friends is anything other than a cheap publicity stunt, either.

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Yeah, good point.

They missed a perfect opportunity: “Benefits with Friends”.


Dear Zynga, you CAN’T HAVE IT!

“With Friends” is a combo of words that has existed from before any of you were born, so you CAN’T HAVE IT! If I could whack you on the nose with a rolled up newspaper you can be sure that I would. BAD ZYNGA!

Zynga . . . sucks, but this is a legitimate claim.

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