Badass Dragons of the Wasteland - Round 2

I’m Stretch, and this is my mechanic shop. You took a beating, need to get fixed up, you can come to me. I ain’t a volunteer though; I do the job, and then I get paid. The going rate here is 4 LP for the general repair parts kit, which you need to have if you hope to get any repairs to regain HP. I look after my own, so you Mechanics can buy the repair kit for 75% off, 1 LP. But if I catch Mechanics reselling those discounted parts kits to Escorts, Mules or Scouts, I’ll will kill 'em. That’s undercutting my profits, and I ain’t gonna put up with it. My labor rate is 2 HP repaired for 1 LP paid. Iff’n you think that’s steep, you can shove it. My rate’s my rate, and if you don’t want to pay it, there’s plenty others who will.

Anyhow though, I don’t just do repairs. I can do upgrades, too. If you look out back of the shop, you can see I got a pretty big parts store. Probably looks like a junkyard to you all, but then again, you don’t look like Drivers to me. Anyhow, I know where every bit of everything is out back there, but it ain’t all for sale to you lot. There’s some things that I got a lot of though, so I could let the extras go, for the right price. Oh, by the way, it ain’t just car parts back there. I been collectin’ anything that maybe I could sell, so I’ll run you through what I got. There’s, let’s see… I guess there’s six or seven different things I could sell to whoever’s lookin’ to buy. Here’s what I got:

Chaingun: Self explanatory, I would think. Permanently adds +2 FP. Costs 3 LP.

Flamethrower: Flamethrower with only enough fuel for use through one round. Adds +3 FP for one round only. Costs 1 LP.

Window Bars: Metal bars which protect the windows from hits. Permanently adds +1 AR. Costs 1 LP.

Light Plating: Light armoring. Permanently adds +3 AR. Costs 2 LP.

Carbon Fiber Hood (or Bonnet, for those Brits): Lightens car (helps with acceleration), so permanently adds +3 SP. Costs 2 LP. Since Scouts are already lightened, they aren’t eligible for this upgrade.

Plumbing Upgrade: Strengthened, high-pressure plumbing for your SHITGO apparatus. permanently adds +2 TQ. Costs 1 LP.

Retreaded tires (set of 2): Adds +2 MV as long as both new tires are intact. Costs 5 LP. Once one tire is popped or stolen, all bonus goes away. Requires a trade-in of two tires currently in your possession in order to purchase. Mechanics are only required to trade in one tire in order to purchase. If, after purchase, the Mechanic has five tires, the extra may be privately sold or kept in inventory as a spare (requires 5 inventory spaces).

Poor-quality car parts, which lower EN, can be traded in (with a fee) for a higher-quality replacement. This will add +1 EN per 1 LP.

Well, what do you think? See anything you want?

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