Badass Dragons of the Wasteland - Round 2

Washington here, in my Bond Bug. Any of you other folks seen this plane crashed here on the beach?

Anyhow, Cougar tells me that you all are pretty bad off, right now. I guess Round 1 was hard-hitting. Anyhow, I’m keeping track of you guys in my logbook, and Cougar told me how bad your injuries are, so I’ve written it all down, and it’s all updated. By the way, those three of you who were unlucky enough to wake up the monster trucks last time (@gwwar, @Garg, @Sarcadian), looks like you got to pick up the front and back plates once you beat the piss out of 'em.

Some of you are hurt pretty bad right now; you probably ought to go see Stretch, the fellow who runs that mechanic shop and junkyard over there. He can patch you up good.

Well, not a lot more to say right now, but I thought I’d mention that there are four more Drivers now than there were for Round 1. Wizard (@thewizardofwas), Fink (@monsterzerozero), Bill the BUM (@webiii1976), and Rideword (@Solomon) were late arrivals, but they’re here now, so you’ll have their help for this next round. It looks like it’s going to be a tough one. You four newcomers, I wanted to let you all know that you’re all in my logbook now too. I’ve got all your stats writ down there, so anytime you want to know how you’re doing, just check there. To read my log, look here: