Badass Dragons of the Wasteland - Round 2

@funruly @gwwar Hey there, Junior, Channing, looks like I gotta ask y’all to let me renegotiate the repair deal we made.

~scuffs a prosthetic foot in the dirt~

Seems like ol’ Stretch is gonna be pretty tough about guardin’ his turf, so the part of the deal I offered where I said I’d give you repair parts at my own cost +10%… Well, I’m not keen to go to war with him about that.

So this is what I wanna do: I offered y’all my labor at 1/3 the going rate. Can I make up to you the fact I can’t get your parts discounted by cuttin’ my labor costs to 1/4 the goin’ rate?

Stretch’ll fix up 2HP for 1LP. I’ll fix up 8HP for 1LP.

If that sounds like a fair shake, then I’m much obliged to you for bein’ willin’ to renegotiate. If that don’t seem fair, you just let me know what does, and we’ll keep chewin’ on this problem 'til we get it swallered.