Because of net porn, Hustler's circulation has dropped 97%

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What about all the people who subscribed for the articles by such noted writers as Norma Mailer and Margaret Atwood?


Hustler proved that there was a market for less artistic looking nudes without the airbrushing and glamour, although some of their material was leaning towards fetishism. Most readers could find something that made them say “Eeeeewww…” But that is part of the appeal of the internet, isn’t it?


The internet’s doing the same thing to journalism as it’s doing to pictures of naked people.

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A friend of mine who is no longer with us would be one of the 3%. He really did buy Hustler for the articles. I pointed out the humor of this to him, but he brushed it off, saying, “Yeah, yeah. I could buy Architectural Digest if I just wanted pictures.”

Then I’d do my rounds of the office and return to the mailroom to find he’d covered everything with tape.

I have to assume that the 3% that are left are almost entirely sales to kids headed to summer camp where devices with screens are banned.

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I do recall reading Hustler articles, and for a while Paul Krassner was the editor. It wasn’t Pulitzer material, but there was actual content from editors who took their job seriously.


Seriously? She’s written only two books, and they were in spanish!

She doesn’t even Tweet!

However, she was active on Facebook, briefly:

And there is this


I guess Larry’s gonna have to find another hustle.

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If I owned a papery kind of magazine, and circulation was down 97%, I don’t think I would stick around losing money for 2-3 years, just to see what happens. I know what happens - bankruptcy.

My guess is that they’re keeping the magazine around as a loss leader, to keep the Hustler brand active while they shift their energy towards the Hustler streaming video site…

Well, I assume he’s all set. I would hope he’d want to keep it going to provide a few jobs for as long as he can.

I don’t know… The internet is so desensitizing. I doubt there’s any sex act that I can see on a screen that would actually make me squick anymore.


“I’ve… Seen things you people wouldn’t believe!”

Although, I doubt those moments will ever be lost in time, like tears in the rain.

Well, Larry can always go into politics…

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Yes I recall a single picture from Hustler of a woman with ten times the usual amount of pubic hair (or roughly 5X Demi Moore) and a clit the size of a plantain. I bet a thousand guys proposed to her.


During a move I found a deceased family member’s old Hustler’s, and I held on to a couple specifically because I wanted to read some articles. One had an interview with John Cooper Clarke!

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