'Breaking Bad,' Season 5, Episode 12, 'Rabid Dog': review

He did it by having Huell steal the pack of cigarettes with the ricin and makes Jesse think Gus stole it to poison Brock and frame Walt so Jesse would kill Walt.

Walt actually used the poisonous Lily of the Valley berries from his yard so that when the poison was identified (after Gus’s death) it could be ruled an accidental and natural event. Then Walt has to deal with Jesse not knowing where the ricin has gone and we get the roomba episode.

It is pretty convoluted, but fun.

Good point - although I suppose the only other reason Jesse might start cooking again is that he is worth a lot more to Todd’s uncle’s crew alive as a cook than as a reward from Walt.

Yes, but it was Walt being petty about Gale’s work that allowed him to fire Gale and bring Jesse back to the lab. So it did indirectly lead to the eventual confrontation.

Uh… no? (Not unless it’s something that I haven’t been on in an age; I don’t recognize the acronym.)

Well if he fakes his own death and uses Saul’s vacuum repair guy to get a new ID, the only reasons I see that he would come back are ego or family. Either he has to do something to protect his family or he has to preserve his ego. And he thinks the only way to do that is a BFG. Unless the gun is a misdirection and we are in for something more convoluted/sciencey.

Jesse knows that at the end of their business partnership, Walt was in it for the power and fame rather than just the money, so that’s another way how he could manipulate him. If they stage a return of the blue meth, maybe combined with a public arrest of Jesse posing as Heisenberg, that might trick Walt into coming out as well. He knows he’s dying and he was already willing to turn himself in as long as the cash pile was safe, so maybe he’ll do the same just to enshrine his legacy.
The only point against it is that Jesse probably wouldn’t have taunted Walt with the phone call if that was his plan. It’d be more effective if it looks like Jesse got back into the business simply because he doesn’t have any money left, because if Walt knows he’s being deliberately provoked, he’ll be much more cautious. To me, the phone call seemed like something that Jesse did in order to spur Walt into immediate action. Then again, Jesse is the most impulsive character on the show, so he might’ve just made a mistake even though the plan itself is sound.

Walt wasn’t (really) being petty about Gale’s work. The pettiness about Gale’s work was actually just a cover, so that Walt could bring Jesse back, because he wanted Gus to think that Jesse was indispensable to his work (if I’m not mistaken, to keep Jesse alive, because Gus viewed Jesse as an unpredictable threat).

Because Walt kept fucking with his business, and drawing too much attention. You’ll recall that he killed two of Gus’ dealers in order to protect Jesse. Which is normally something that Gus would kill him for, except he couldn’t because he was indispensable. So much of everything going sour with Gus was about protecting Jesse, really.

Yeah, I thought ‘being petty’ was a strange way to put it at best…

So much of everything going sour with Gus was about protecting Jesse, really.

That was how I saw it too.

Everyone is forgetting about Walt’s former business losses.

The thing that made him a teacher vs a rich billionaire.

The thing that led walt to break bad.

And remember Walt’s first words to Jesse? APPLY YOURSELF.

Jesse’s got the lottery ticket. Jesse knows where the money is. You think Jesse doesn’t know how to hide things from the police? He’s been doing it all his life, Walt’s been doing it for a few years.

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How is that even possible? Between trying to light the house on fire and Hank taking him away, there is no chance Jesse had the time to find the lottery ticket (let alone think about why Walt would have one and figure it out based on his mental state at the time.)

Remember this show is FAMOUS for showing us just enough… but not showing us things that happen in the exact order they happen. Just because we saw Jesse moving through the house throwing gas, and just because we saw him set the can down, doesn’t mean the very next thing he did was pick up the magazine to light it.

It’s either that, or Jesse’s going to hit Walt’s family, and I don’t know if he’s the type to do that… given he had that opportunity already.

Maybe Walt Jr gets offed?

I still think that is a stretch. Look at Jesse’s frantic state at that point. Do you really think he would have taken the time to put the gas can down and look around the house?

I think the whole “where you live” is alot more leaning toward destroying the image of Hesinberg. Enough to make Walt lose it and slip up. Think of Walt’s ‘you got me’ earlier and the show using Ozymandias to set up this final run.

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I’d disagree at this point - he’s always been a “wasted potential” guy, smarter than his friends but just throwing it all away… and now he has developed into quite the problem solver.

Still rash and crass but… don’t forget - “yeah! magnets, bitch!” was his brainchild. Seems like the student may become the master.

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Agh yeah, that’s one of the biggest unresolved points now: When/how does Walt Jr find out?

Another would be how Lydia will play a role in this whole thing — they’re keeping her in the plot for a specific reason I’d assume. Maybe she’ll be back with Todd and his uncle in this next episode.

I know, huh? That’s gonna fucking rock : D

He will literally* be tripping balls.

*Actually, in fact

I think in the final episode Walt will use that big gun of his to shoot up the headquarters of Grey Matter like the last scene in “Scar Face” then he will take the ricin so he doesn’t spend what little time he has left caught up in the legal system.

Last but not least (not to get political) I am surprised no one has condemned or praised “Breaking Bad” as a ringing endorsement of Obama health care plan.

I agree that this is way too easy of an answer, yet, we have seen plot twists before. Possibly Walt does in fact “have another job for you” but it’s not Jesse. What if it’s Hank. I am fascinated by the lack of any mention of the tape that Walt made impeaching Hank as the master mind behind Heisenberg. Walt knows that the DEA has likely setup Jesse or at least he is paranoid enough to believe that they are getting close. His desperation may lead him to believe Hank has to be dealt with. Anyway, it’s fun to speculate. We have been surprised before and I’m sure the writers have a few twists and turns ahead for the viewers.

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Love this idea too. Jr. has been the one un-compromised element of the show. He will need to rise up and defend his Dad in the end just as Jesse will have to have the inevitable face to face with Mr. Whitam and resolve his turmoil, possibly by resigning himself to Walt’s death or by truly breaking bad again.

True dat! Jesse has been the unexpected and unheralded source of many ideas from the RV to the train robbery. I would expect Jesse to turn against the DEA and Hank before he does Mr. Whitman.

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