'Breaking Bad,' Season 5, Episode 13, 'To'hajiilee': review

A couple of things that have not been theorized so far:

  • Somebody might already be shot, but it wasn’t shown yet (heat of the battle, “just a flesh wound” etc.).
  • Yes, there was no time for the nazi gang to decide whether to deliberately miss or not - but they could have made a plan in advance or shortly before they were turning up on the scene (“There’s two guys there, probably cops, better force them into hiding” or just “we’ll use Plan B”).
  • It is clearly shown that the van with Walt is hit profusely even further back, although only the windows are shattered, no bullets below, possibly we will see Hank and Gomey hide behind Walt as that might be a more effective bullet protection than the motor block.

Can’t embed as a new user, but here is an overview of the scene: http://imgur.com/TDZqvCG

  • I find it very plausible that Hank and Gomey made it to safety, just considering the angle alone. Put a clock in the middle of the battlefield with the van at 9, you have the bad guys between 11 and 12, Hank is at 7 and Gomey at 6 - Both have only a step or two to be behind the front of the van. There is actually a shot that is from the perspective of the head nazi - he is behind their van, so about at 12. From his viewpoint, Hank is already directly behind the motor, so just a crouch away from safety, completely hidden for everybody in the smaller car. And, as the shot above shows - in terms of distance, the Hank and Gomey clearly higher lever action.