California officials warn anti-vaxxers to avoid Disneyland

Will Johnny Depp be in the movie version? Or will it be Eddie Murphy?

Can I avoid Disneyland even if we are vaccinated?


That’s an interesting distribution of California regions that tilt more heavily towards “protect the children from everything but firearms, sports injuries and car exhaust.” I’d swear that we are seeing the outline of the domain of the Hippie-Redneck hybrid – common to the Pacific Northwest. Enamored of Creedence records and guns in equal measure, the origins of the Hippie-Redneck are shrouded in drug war mystery.

Disneyland, Schmisneyland, can’t they just keep 'em out of the state, period?


Wait! Reverse that! I meant if anti-vaxxers were going there. sheesh.

Maybe we need to require a card with proof of vaccination to get into places with large crowds, like amusement parks, stadiums, and shopping malls.

Yes, that will fly great with the Fundies/Libertarian crowds (who, incidentally, have some overlap with the Anti-Vaxxers).

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Let’s hold a telethon to encourage vaccination.

We’ll bring in the current crop of young victims for an appearance. Call 'em “Jenny’s Kids.”


Indeed. The New York authorities were indisputably oppressing Typhoid Mary.

Obviously, they wouldn’t see it that way. It’s harder when in this case, it’s thousands of miniature Typhoid Mary’s, all of whom you can’t pin a specific death on.

Also, I would say Ms. Mary displayed a much larger amount of ignorance:

Literally, people dying all around her, every time she worked as a cook. Went to her death bed refusing to believe she was a carrier. Granted, she was the very, very first known healthy carrier of a disease.


What, it’s not cool anymore to admit that you like Disneyland?

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A vector is a vector. I’m not sure I’d agree that that’s much larger amount of ignorance than is regularly displayed by anti-vaxxers.

Well, there’s always some overlap with one group or another. But libertarians do tend to have a variety of opinions and healthy, often intelligent debates.

I trust Boingboing to know the difference between an Arab and a muslim. But now there’s no difference between being unvaccinated, and being an anti-vaxxer?

Yeah, I get it. “You’re either with us or you’re against us.”

I’m not sure this is ‘lucky’, but I got my immunities the old-fashioned way, by contracting measles, mumps, and chicken pox. In second grade, I got the rubella vaccination. I even have the smallpox vax scar on my hip. If you had offered my parents a vaccine that would have gotten me out of the ‘childhood 3’, they would have jumped at it, and I might have too, even in first grade.

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I was on board with the healthy debate idea of that article until the Pro-Choice Vax doctor tromped out the same scare tactic nonsense as the crazies:

Each vaccine preparation, in addition to the antigen or live
virus, contains many other substances, including preservatives
(mercury, formaldehyde), adjuvants to hyperstimulate the immune
response (aluminum), gelatin, aborted fetal DNA, viral DNA,
genetically modified DNA, antibiotics, and so on.

A statement that is very misleading, per many of the posts in this thread. But, surely a Primary Care Physician should know better?

Indeed, one would. It seems that the only registered Physician in the state of Vermont bearing the name Reider is what is likely to be Sandy Reider’s Husband, Dr. Horace Reider.

By the way, he’s not a GP either. He’s listed as a Homeopathic doctor.

Sandy Reider only seems to be listed as a Homeopathic doctor on various shady websites:

But there’s no shortage of documents on her quest to combat “Wind Turbine Syndrome”, which is along similar lines as “Wifi Allergies”.

Actually, now I wonder if I can just claim to be a doctor and start posting stuff on too.


I think there’s no difference between “unvaccinated because of a personal belief exemption” and anti-vaxx.

More broadly, I found this helpful:


Time for 1 in 5 parents to get out of the gene pool.

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Right, that’s really what I meant but not stated very well. Thank you for the clarification.