Caption competion

I know this is bad, but I really want to post it.


“Peace out man; sorry about the upholstery.”

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Thanks Chinese Labor Camps, the plastic symbol of freedom fits great!

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I get two more chances to be in a caption competition photo that’s actually intriguing, right? Two?

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And there we have it: enough Cherries Jubilee for a party of twenty, ready in exactly two minutes! Be sure to tune in for the next episode of “Cooking with Guy”, and remember: People should not be afraid of their governments, and no one should be afraid of the kitchen!


Dave’s right here.

2 down, 3 to go!

Enlightened Selfie

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Bob soon found out that the resistance had little tolerance for poseurs.


“In this example of photobombing, the Messiah (lower left corner) nonchalantly distracts viewers from the strutting masked man.”

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Stallone insists Staying Alive-remake “will definitely be relevant for kids today”

Five beers, please.


Would you say you had first or second degree burns?


Anonymous Burning Man

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Look man, photobombing they guy in front of you with the horns is a good prank, but setting him on fire is just too much.

Fawk the future, fawk the past, this revolution is going to last!

He looks like he may be at risk there, so I’ll caption it:


Two pints of lager

Travis, although clueless, completely committed to his Harry Potter cosplay…

“Fawkes is a phoenix, Harry. Phoenixes burst into flame when it is time for them to die and are reborn from the ashes.” ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Two… Two minutes per side!