Cartoonist Ed Piskor visits his decrepit childhood home


This quote gave me chills. The epitome of the cartoonist’s struggle.

“Every page you have the opportunity to create the best comics page ever. And you fail, every time. BUT, you’re doin’ alright. You’re progressing, you’re learning. There’s a yin and yang to it.” – Ed Piskor


Nearly all of my dreams (mostly nightmares) that have a recognizable location also occur at my childhood home.

It’s unsettling.

My collectors issue #1 is one of my most favorite books ever. So great. Can’t wait to scrounge up the skratch to get #2

Keep toughing it out! When you’re young you’re too close to your own work to know that you’re doing important stuff. And I’m glad to see you got out of Homestead and up to Polish hill.

¡Viva Ed!


So is this why theres been no updates to HHFT in a while?

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