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ah, but regrettably I’m homeosexual


AKA Dogecoin

many dilute DDtEA4HuskmxCpEArLBXjtL7mUdrCd2p2im kind sir

such thanks, very regards



I have sympathy for your plight. Yes, they should be forced to report. They should never be allowed to withhold information. In my opinion, people who knowingly hurt other people, (Like GM as well) should go to prison and not get away with a ‘slap on the wrist’ fines, or fines only, at all. If everyone refused to immunize as a way to vote against the system, then society would be screwed, not the pharmaceutical companies. That isn’t even where the big bucks are, for them. As it is, we have screwed the pooch with overuse of antibiotics and we are heading for a collision course with non-treatable antibiotic-resistant diseases. Creating a pandemic with death and suffering isn’t going to teach anyone a lesson, it’s biting one’s own nose to spite its face.

There should better ways to test for reactions, in some small doses, prior to receiving a shot. But do you want to return to the days of Polio and other horrible diseases for all?


I propose the establishment of a movement for meta-homeopathy, where we work together with homeopaths to reduce the concentration of homeopathy in our society to infinitesimal (but of course still effective) levels.


So, if I take homeopathy with a grain of salt am I taking too much?


I can sympathize with you. I am one of those people who has adverse reactions to various drugs and vaccines, some severe enough that I cannot safely have them. I’m also a person who had to go through chemo and then sit through a party where a family I knew but was not close to was telling me all about how dangerous vaccines are so of course they weren’t vaccinated. During flu season, no less. I had to tell them that I needed to get out of their presence because they posed a serious danger to my health. Blank stares.

Everyone’s reaction to medical treatment is very complicated. Just because you react funny doesn’t mean you aren’t going to have to pick the lesser of two evils one day.


Better even. It would have been even stronger if you’d only read the first pixel of the first letter.

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My brother had pertussis last year. He’s a healthy adult, and it came nowhere near to killing him. He also spent over a month puking so hard he vomited. I’d like to say, “If that’s what you want for yourself, fine—enjoy,” but it’s not really a decision you can make for just yourself. I think that it’s that need for collective action thing that drives some people so crazy.


I had been wondering why it seemed like I was reading more than the usual number of stories about homeopathy lately.

I don’t suppose there’s any possibility that this whole thing might be overblown? I don’t question that it is by its very nature the worst kind of assault on all that is sane and rational, but I read somewhere that only a small percentage of people had actually tried homeopathic remedies.

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