Daughter-belting judge loses seat to primary challenger

Corporal punishment is nasty, doesn’t really hold up in my opinion, and in a more extreme form (which I’d definitely consider what takes place in this video) should probably be made illegal…

This is the part I never follow. Should “probably” be made illegal? To paraphrase Louis CK, if an adult hits an adult, that’s assault, and you can be arrested and jailed. But your kid, somebody who completely depends on you to navigate the world? Oh yeah, no problem, beat them all you want, stay out of my business nanny state, etc. I’d really love to hear a rational, logical argument about why beating a full-grown adult = bad, but beating a child, who 99% of the time is weaker and smaller = OK.


Kind of mixed feelings about BB posting this video. Videos of victims getting victimized is kind of crossing a media boundary line, isn’t it?

Wow, the contortions you go through to basically defend these twisted asshole parents is astounding.

The boundaries of family privacy should only go so far. When people treat their kids like this, the kids often end up damaged in ways that affect other people later in their lives (let alone themselves). The “private” hell that kids like this go through is a public. So yeah, in cases like this, fuck your precious, simple-minded concern for the cloistered, fetishized realm of family privacy.

People should persuade their kids to be good in other ways; trying to force them into being good rarely works out all that well.


I appreciate the reminder via Rob’s posting of this video that this asshole failure of a father remained a respected citizen after this video was first posted. Our society’s willingness to overlook such actions for the sake of “family privacy” is fucked up. It’s the sick context that matters here, as much as the video itself.


When I think of “perpetuating the cycle” of family violence, I think of an abused child growing up to become a child abuser.

This sounds more like a case of defending those who either can’t or won’t defend themselves against a bullying abuser.

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The victim posted the video to the internet herself, as an adult, to expose her father.


Let me make this very clear: if you call this porn or respond approvingly to people who do, a ban is yours to win.

There are lines when it comes to trolling the comments, and one of them is sexualizing a child victim to make a point about how this is “not a wonderful thing”


I don´t know whether to find it hilarious or sad that you´re the one suggesting therapy to other people just one post above this. Maybe a bit of both.

This man now needs to lose his freedom.

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Maybe we could car-pool?
I am sure that there are many of us who would like to be there with you.

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The “cycle” will not “perpetuate”.
The “Judge” would merely be beaten beyond all harm.

So this worthless piece of shit was still in office for the past three years after the video went public? I´m disgusted, can´t say I´m surprised.

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You do realize that Flugfrie would be “perpetuating the cycle” on two piece-of-shit abusers who will never have any more children, and not on a helpless child victim - Right ?

Posters like Nicky always sound to me like theists who have had only good experiences with religious folk, and simply won’t comprehend that religion can be INCREDIBLY ugly and horrific. They’ve never been on the wrong end of religious bigotry, and their happy happy - joy joy memories of blithe, faith-based happiness force them to resort to a cognitive disassociation when confronted with it.

Corporal punishment should be made illegal in any form. Time for the US to join the rest of the civilised world on this issue.


And what I wonder, would the US response be to a child turning on their father and beating the crap out of them in revenge? This is a country after all that allows “Stand your ground” as a defence…


As long as cowardly assholes like the good judge are writing the rules: Never.

What bully ever gives their victim a chance to get back at them ?

The only concern I have is that in America, when someone loses to a primary challenger it’s always someone more extreme than the person they’re displacing. Is the new guy some perfect champion of spanking?

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It may just be a case of people not giving a shit if giving a shit would be the more bothersome option, which it is most of the time. Beat someone up in public, you may go to prison, beat up your family at home where the public can ignore it – model citizen.

Likely so, sadly enough. Even though it’s the kind of shit that can come back to haunt, even when it didn’t happen in one’s own family.

Short answer, corporal abuse of your own child, and even in some cases other people’s children, is legal in a lot of the United States. It’s even practiced in some schools. Laws vary dramatically state to state.