Dead WalMart reborn as library


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Yes. Turn Walmarts into libraries. Who woulda thunk it? Very nice. Great that they have “acoustically isolated” rooms for teens. Back in my day, my buddies and I were asked to remove ourselves to the “soundproof room”. I guess some things don’t change. :smiley:


Nice to see Texas do something right for a change.

Like like like! More libraries are always a good thing.

Our main library put in a teen room in the basement. Very 70’s, odd carpeted shapes; I still like that style. It actually made a good performance space too, for theater-in-the-simple-closed-curve…


Some things are just so beautiful as to make you cry.


Now turn every Starbucks into an anarchist infoshop.

Compared to Walmart, Starbucks is a magnanimous ruler showering its subjects in gold.

This story begs the question though, how does one kill a Walmart?


From what I’ve gathered: by not giving it tax breaks.


Starvation. But, like the headless cockroach, it takes a while.

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Wouldn’t it be positive to fill the country with libraries, large community centers, gymnasiums and the like?
In the process, you’d would be excising a malignant tumor. One can dream…

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Why are the architects not credited by BoingBoing - as any other work would be?

Vorpal sword would probably do the trick.


Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle

The journalism here is sometimes in keeping with the maker DIY approach. This one’s on me, but next is all you.
Edit: You did have a good point, but no reason for you to not credit them.

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This is crap. Don’t you read your own site?

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People sometimes get busy and miss a story, including Cory. Everyone else commenting on it was curious enough to read, and either didn’t read or remember it earlier. I’m not sure why repeating a story that bears repeating is a problem.

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Due diligence.

Fill out the appropriate forms and the moderator will give you a refund.


You don’t think that the fact that a publisher posted the same story more than a year ago shoud be noted? Please.

So you’re suggesting every time a publication mentions a topic, they should cite all previous mentions? This would mean every time facets of Justin Beiber’s relationship with his monkey was explored, the newspaper would be filled with nothing but a list of citations. Every time Fox News mentions Obama being a Muslim, the site would crash. It’s not a science journal.


You are not making an argument.