Did you ever want to play questions?

(Ooh, if you are making a child friendly cheese sammy, in addition to kraft singles add either some cream cheese or pimento spread. But not much)

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I live for the day when I can get some official Cheese Whiz and marry it with its true beloved, Bugles, although the below picture appears to perpetuate the great cheese whiz controversy as initiated by the Blues Brothers but who cares?


Did I just gain two pounds looking at that pic? :smile:


Isn’t it great to be the first person who gets a brand-new book from the public library (thanks to their awesome hold system)?



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but honey MST3K is on… have we all gone out to do stuff for the holiday weekend?

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What is this “going out” of which you speak?


Does anyone pity me? Do I really have to spend the afternoon helping a teen daughter pick out a prom dress? Will I still have my sanity 5 hours from now?


Will you still have $200 5 hours from now?

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How did you know that was the exact amount set as the maximum limit? Are you psychic?

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To be honest, I was afraid you’d tell me it was more; did i spend that much on my wedding tux?

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And did she start the search assuming she wanted a dress from a particular store, found a dress that looked great on her from that store but it was twice the budget, then went to a different store and found a dress she preferred (and really looks fantastic, and can be worn to other things) for $5 UNDER budget? :smile:


Anyone else going to a GHOST TOWN today? Ever heard of Wendling Oregon!?


Did I say ghost town? Should I have said entirely destroyed?


Are there any steaming cups of tea or unfinished meals still on the tables? That’s how this works, right?


Aren’t we all human? Isn’t regret a core problem of human nature?

Do you all have days when everything just either pisses you off so bad you want to burn down the world or just not get out of bed?


Can you tell us about it?

(Shit, I had a full on public meltdown here, I’ll give you whatever you need or want)

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Can I tell you a story?

There was once a beautiful person named mindysan. She delighted those around her, cause she rocked so hard. The people that disappointed her were largely from the tribes that were either self indulgent, oblivious, or had no empathy.

One day in this realm mindysan discovered a magical stone. For some reason it summons David Boreanaz, and he dances like a freak. I have no explanation. It is just weird.

However in this magical realm your thoughts and opinions and expressions matter. And though the woods are full of trolls and goblins, and that weird dancing David Boreanaz, you are safe.

Except from David. He can’t be trusted.


Ever wake up at 05:30 (without having set an alarm) on a day when it would be perfectly appropriate to sleep in until 10:00?

So… I guess I’ll make waffles?