Edward Snowden is almost broke

Certainly you must be talking about either Gen. Alexander or DNI Clapper, yes? Leaking secrets is a trivial betrayal compared to taking a shit on the Constitution and then lying to Congress about it.


I’m actually surprised he has any access to his money at all. I assumed all of his assets would have been frozen under some sort of murky fugitive/terrorist/organized crime laws.

Or maybe he took proactive steps to keep this from happening?

This situation is rife with opportunities for fraud. Show me the direct link between the Journalistic Source Protection Defence Fund and Edward Snowden.

Have a care when donating to Snowden’s defense. His Russian lawyer works pro bono, and since Snowden has temporary asylum in Russia, he’s not currently defending himself against any charges. If he returned to the States, and the government actually put him on trial (instead of disappearing him), it’s likely that he could get pro bono defense via the ACLU and EFF.

The Journalistic Source Protection Defence Fund claims endorsement by Snowden, but this seems like a shaky claim since Snowden doesn’t make many (any?) public statements, and Snowden’s lawyer Kucherena hasn’t mentioned it. At least one article I read also questioned this alleged endorsement. That fund is not entirely for Snowden, either. Money donated to the fund could go to other recipients, or (more likely) to operation of the fund itself, and the fancy London accounting firm that overseas it.

Food for thought, anyway.


I think the publicity they get (good for them, bad for the US) is worth more to them than any of the kind of secrets he may have for them.

I guess you’re illitarate :stuck_out_tongue:


He’s done the right thing.

It’s our government that has betrayed the rights of the people.

Snowden told us how despicable our elected officials were. How they violated the rights of every American, and every other person on the planet.

I hope he gets what’s coming to him too… A hero’s welcome into a real democracy.


He should sell out the passwords for the data he holds and cash in while he still can.

I’m surprised i keep reading stuff like this. Do you honestly believe your goverment will jail you for donating to a fund? If you do, then you should get out of there, fast.

I think the fear is they will put us on watch lists. That’s bad enough, but it could be very bad if things get crazier here… and they have recently become really terrifying… what with all the secret laws and the big brother reveal.

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The next Prez will just make camps for all the dissenters and put us there. See you in the lunch line. IF we even get lunch.

Not yet… but the way things are going, that could change, and the record of you donating would still be there. Or it could just be a continuation of the process of more and more jobs in technology requiring a security clearance, which you’ll never get if you’re on that list.

If someone gives money to Snowden directly can they be charged as an accomplice? I don’t know. It’s a serious question and someone should answer it.


If he’s a terrorist, you could be charged with providing material support to a terrorist. Is he a terrorist? If the ruling on that comes from a secret court who hears classified evidence, would we even know?

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I’m sure I’m already on watchlists, so really I have nothing to lose by donating to funds like these. My main concern is the same one that some other commenters have expressed: how can I trust that the money will get where it’s supposed to go?

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And yet just the other day you posted a link to, supposedly, a fund taking donations for him:

Who on earth are you? You come off like a UK Home Office mid 20’s right wing / left wing hipster mimicking civil servant. I’m intrigued.


I rather suspect the misspelling is syntactical camouflage.

Well, because I actually understand WHY he ended up there, I can say it’s because he had his passport rescinded in transit. you’re a bit of a one-trick pony, aren’t you?

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Honest, Lee, at this point I have no idea WHAT to think.

Who would’ve thought 20 years ago that we hear such things from US-Americans … and still USians and their government like to depict themselves as the ultimate paragon of freedom and liberty.

Guns and freedom of speech alone don’t make a free society - especially when undermined by massive surveillance (e.g. see the quotes above).


I’d like to call citation needed on both those claims.[quote=“Synesthesia, post:30, topic:14186”]
Do you honestly believe your goverment will jail you for donating to a fund?

They probably don’t but its fun to make claims like that since it inflates one’s sense of self importance to imagine that one is worth the attention of the guys with sunglasses and earbuds. That and he general human tendency towards fear mongering.

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