Empowering feminist drawings to brighten your day



Those are really nice. Hey - make some for guys too, okay?

I hope that’s sarcasm; because that kinda defeats the point of her drawings, which to empower strictly females to go against the status quo of gender roles and sexual diversity.

Unless you’re talking about homosexuals.

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from http://www.crimethinc.com/tools/posters.html


Men already have an entire industry telling them how strong and important they are, and catering to their desire to feel special. It’s called advertising.


And Hollywood. And the music industry. And gaming industry. And almost all medias… you get the point…


I thought the purpose of the advertising industry was to help their clients extract money from people’s wallets and bank accounts (men and women alike), and to tell people how they should think, feel, and behave, again for the purpose of extracting money.

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How about this:

Boundegar is doing just fine and has decent self esteem, enough to realize that a graphic representation isn’t actually going to make him feel more confident about his actions. He also recognizes that he doesn’t need to drag someone down to make himself feel better. Good on you, Boundegar!


Social conventions play a part in all our “identities,” whether we’re remaining within them or inverting them or remixing them. I believe Frank Zappa pointed out that we’re all wearing uniforms.

Most of those are empowering, three of them are bullshit.

Name three.


What a great idea! You should get right on that.


Are they the only men who can be feminists? Drat. Does that mean I have to be the oppressor?

“AMANDA, it’s YOUR BODY and you do WHATEVER YOU WANT with it. No social convention should have a say in your IDENTITY!”

“… but also don’t expect everybody else to just go along with it. You’re knowingly and willfully bucking convention, and doing so publicly is bound to draw criticism. Challenging the status quo is not for the thin-skinned, and your right to do as you please with your body does not trump other people’s right to have an opinion, no matter how antiquated those opinions might be, or how rudely they might be expressed.”

Is there someplace that hosts just the drawings? I’d love to share them with my kids, but her site has a bunch of other stuff to scroll through.

I am out of likes so I am forced to use actual words to say that I like this.


Kind of a harsh reaction. The artist is absolutely under no obligation to include men, but this would resonate more with my son if there were also panels promoting feminist men.

I’ll share them both with my son and daughter equally, regardless.

That clip is funny. There are people like that, and they’re annoying.

What’s less funny is an environment where equal rights is a topic only the disenfranchised can participate in. I’m taking great pains to raise my son to not be part of the problem, as much as I’m raising my daughter to not tolerate the problem.

Do I want a cookie for that, or a badge for my son? No.
Do I want him to have role models and ideals to aspire to? Yes.

Why are both concepts met with the same mockery?

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Hey and wouldn’t it be great if you wrote/drew some for your son and other boys yourself? Or commissioned an artist to draw them for you? I bet your son would really like that!

The reason “but what about men/boys” is so tiring is that it’s constantly raised as complaints about things feminism should do for men, for free, without complaint, rather than things men could and should do for themselves.