Google's Deep Dreaming fills the 'net with psychedelic nightmare GIFs

You realize that with one or two exceptions, the authors/editors of Boing Boing don’t come into these forums at all?

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There’s a link to submit your own, but the backlog had grown rapidly :smiley:

Plenty of madness to enjoy while you wait (and wait)

(possibly NSFW)

I’m getting a 404 for the link here.

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It was thinking about Portland.

& Thank goodness for that, mister.

I got it working, A method using Vagrant worked much better than the Docker method. Now I just need to figure out how to change the models, dogslugs are cool and all… but…


This seems to lead to the right place, more or less

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I wasn’t able to do that either. I had to go to the root URL, hit the “blog” link, and then the Deep Dreaming pic I saw. Which brought me to… the URL you linked!

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Weird (perhaps appropriately), as I simply copy paste the page that worked on me phone…

My submissions still haven’t made it up the cue from yesterday :confused:

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There is also


You still think you own your sentient perception boxes? Aww that’s sweet.

Sure, it’s like pets. I own them, they own me, same thing.


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