Guardian rolls out memberships and a physical space for members

I like the “disclosure” I write a column for the Guardian; no one from the Guardian contacted me about this story or asked me to write about it

They didn’t need to, you’ve swallowed the celebrity puff without even being paid to do so.

Yes, engagement in meat space is important, but let us imagine if a newspaper that you weren’t engaged in annilingus with had done exactly the same thing, say for instance the Daily Mail ?

You are not 1% as naive as your article suggests, the “intimate events” guest lists will be in order:

Senior editorial staff
Friends of senior editorial staff
Girl or boy that a senior staffer wants to impress
Relatives of above
Ad sales guys who’ve met their targets
Junior editorial staff
A reader.

For anyone else you’d have pointed out that for a mass market newspaper, the odds of any given reader being invited to any “intimate event” must be just this side of zero.

A 3D printer, well that’s nice. My 3D printer takes an hour to do anything much, that means a given Guardian reader (according to their readership numbers) will give each reader a go every 147 years.

Also, if it had been the Daily Mail you would have ripped them a new one for claiming credit the expenses scandal.

Not only did the Guardian have little to do with this but echo the investigative reporting of others, its leadership tried to set an agenda that this shold not be a big issue (because it supported the party in power) and when that failed, conveniently “forgot” that the scandal involved MPs of all parties and did its best to ignore nasty truths about the party it likes, even to the extent of those that write for the Guardian.

It’s a coffee shop.
Maybe it’s a nice coffee shop.
Maybe it starts a trend for “themed” coffee shops
Maybe someone I vaguely recognise might be there once.

But its a coffee shop, get over yourself.