Handy guide to image file types and when to use each


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Except the chart is wrong. He doesn’t seem to understand anti-aliasing as it applies to transparency. Most images which involve transparency, and all images that involve fading should be stored in PNG-24, not PNG-8. Aliased transparency can cause all kinds of problems, so the circumstances in which PNG-8 and GIF transparency can be used are rare.

A story on boingboing about Indian click-bait farms might be interesting and worthwhile. There seems to a fair number of Indian companies that are flooding search engines with content written by hordes of people in India who seem to know very little about their subject matter. This chart is an example.

What qualifications does the author bring to the table? His profile states that he is “'Arunshory from India, Search Engine Optimization Specialist”. Translation: I write click-bait for a living.

Please, boingoing, don’t feed these parasites by linking to their content.


Good chart. But, ideally you should use a vector format for logos and artwork. SVG is a vector format that is supported by nearly all browsers. The files are small and scale up or down infinitely.


I don’t know how anyone expects their graphics advice to be taken seriously if they can’t figure out how to avoid bullet-pointing wraparound text, e.g. “• Is not an issue (PNG 24)”


I understand JPEG-2000 is making its way to the forefront? I’ve got all my images converted from RAW to DNG, and any issues with it are to be blamed on <a href=http://www.worldcat.org/title/dam-book-digital-asset-management-for-photographers/oclc/260207198/editions?editionsView=true&referer=br>Peter Krogh and his Digital Asset Management book. Errors I’ve not had, of course.

I suggest using PNG instead of JPEG for the images in the article.


The link to the full chart didn’t work - it pointed to http://www.whoishostingthis.com/ which might be a useful site, but you probably meant to pick the other link http://creativeshory.com/ , which is also wrong (because of future link-rot), and you should have actually linked to the article http://creativeshory.com/know-use-image-file-types-jpeg-gif-png/ at that site.

One case where you shouldn’t use JPEG is when the image has edges for which you need to preserve sharpness, such as text; JPEG and similar algorithms make them fuzzy, while GIFs don’t. Cartoons also work well with GIF, because you have large areas of solid color, and often care about edges, while photographs usually work better on JPEG. (PNG can probably handle both, depending on what options you pick.)

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I guess nobody at BoingBoing reads the comments here, because none of the problems with this article have been addressed.

Yup. How am I going to take any of their advice seriously when it’s obvious they’re doing it wrong?

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