Houses with roof trees


The problem obviously would be potential root growth that could damage the house, could take 10 or more years but it’s something to consider. Then there’s pests.

I think a viable alternative would be for each city to have regulations for mandatory green areas. Like for every 2 or 3 buildings you should have a required space for full grown trees and non-landscape green space (ie: not just grass and hedges).

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There’s nothing new about green roofs. There are hundreds of them around the US and probably many thousands worldwide. They’re a great stormwater control, provide a bit of extra insulation for the building, provide habitat for birds and other critters that can get up there, and if there is roof access they can make very pleasant places to spend time.

That’s the first thing I thought as well. Give it a few years and you’ll have the added bonus of “ceiling root” art installations. They’re concrete houses, but that isn’t necessarily going to stop those roots from breaking through.

This is mentioned in the article, of course.

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Meh, the only feature that I look for in a house is floor pie.



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You would love my kitchen. There’s usually the makings of at least a pot of stock down there after a good day’s eating’.

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If an automobile can have a trunk monkey, then when you park it at your house, the monkey can hang in the roof trees until you’re ready to go somewhere else.


The problem, as in any densely populated city, is that there’s only so much square footage to go around. They could probably still spread out laterally, but then they’d be cutting further into the surrounding rain forest.

I thought that a big reason for the trunk monkey was the “theft retrieval system” that wouldn’t work if the monkey wasn’t hanging out in the car.


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