Ireland votes on same-sex marriage

If it’s like the US, they have to rely on organizations volunteering space. If the church is the only place in the precinct that volunteered, then you’ll have to walk past Jesus and vote for marriage equality. (Not that there’s any reason to believe he’d disagree if you really research the usual “clobber texts”.)

NEW post coming

It’s the schools. I can’t think there is a booth in a church. All the state funded schools are polling stations. As to why they have religious paraphernalia … Well that’s a fight for next week.

My children won’t be going to the local school that the neighbours kids go to because they are allowed discriminate against atheists.

It makes me sad to look at the New York Times and see these tiny fringe groups, self appointed and fully funded by US fundaligionists fighting their culture wars by proxy here. This is a conversation I expect will take place next week.

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Wow, thanks for the info. The public really is out ahead of the establishment…no way would you see that kind of overt religious stuff in a public school in the US (at least not legally).

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